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Author Topic: Aeon Labs Color Bulb Advanced Features  (Read 7045 times)


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Aeon Labs Color Bulb Advanced Features
« on: September 25, 2016, 09:29:06 pm »

I have been researching the advanced features of the Aeotec colored LED bulb.

It looks like a lot of cool features are baked into the bulb, such as smooth color transitions and preprogrammed color sequences.

Can you access these parameters using basic_set? For example, parameter 38 as described below from the manual?

Advanced functions.
Colour Display Cycle Configuration.

Parameter 37 [4 byte] will cycle the colour displayed by LED Bulb into different modes:

7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
Value 1 (MSB)   Colour Transition Style   Reserved   Colour Display Cycle
Value 2   Cycle Count
Value 3   Colour Change Speed
Value 4 (LSB)   Colour Residence Time
Colour Display Mode (4 bits)
The Colour Display Cycle field can have the following values corresponding to 4 different modes:

Colour Display Cycle   Description
0   Single Colour Mode
1   Rainbow Mode(red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet, pinkish)
2   Multi Colour Mode(colours cycle between selected colours)
3   Random Mode
15   Inactive (keep the current configuration values)
4 to 14   Reserved
Colour Transition Style (2 bits)
The following values correspond to 3 different transition styles between colours:

Colour Transition Style   Description
0   Smooth Colour Transition.
1   Fast/Direct Colour Transition.
2   Fade Out Fale In Transition.
3   Inactive (keep the current configuration values).
Cycle Count (8 bits)
The Cycle Count is used to define the number of repetitions/cycles displayed by your LED Bulb in Colour Display Cycle before stopping.

Cycle Count   Description
0   Unlimited
1 to 254   Total number of repetitions/cycles before stopping.
255   Inactive (keep the current configuration values)
Colour Change Speed (8 bits)
This field specifies the transition speed when one colour changes to another.

Speed   Description
0 to 254   0 is the slowest and 254 is the fastest.
255   Inactive (keep the current configuration values)
Colour Residence Time (8 bits)
This field specifies the length of time each individual colour is displayed before a transition.

Colour Residence Time   Description
0 to 254   Corresponds from 0 to 25.4 seconds.
255   Inactive (keep the current configuration values)
The tables above shows a decimal representation of the settings that can be set on parameter 37.
Parameter 38 [4 bytes] can be used to set up to 8 colours to cycle between when LED Bulb is in Multi Colour Mode. Colours transition from Colour Index 1-8.

7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
Value 1 (MSB)   Colour Index 8   Colour Index 7
Value 2   Colour Index 6   Colour Index 5
Value 2   Colour Index 4   Colour Index 3
Value 1 (LSB)   Colour Index 2   Colour Index 1
Colour Component Id:

ID   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
Colour   Red   Orange   Yellow   Green   Cyan   Blue   Violet   Pinkish
If you set the parameter 38 to 801(0x00000321 in hexadecimal), the colour will be changed from Red to Orange and then Orange to Yellow circularly(Red→Orange→Yellow→Red). 


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Aeon Labs Color Bulb Advanced Features
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2016, 11:46:03 am »

I saw in a post from October 2015 that the next release of the software would support RGB color in z-wave.  Can someone confirm that the Aeon Labs Aeotec Z-Wave LED Light Bulb, Gen5 is supported before I buy them?


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Re: Aeon Labs Color Bulb Advanced Features
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2016, 12:37:48 pm »

Welcome to the forum.  Aeon's color bulb works with Engen.


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Re: Aeon Labs Color Bulb Advanced Features
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2017, 03:10:52 pm »

We have a way to configure all those things, but not from our current web interface.   You have to use either the command line interface, or you have to use a program that can send REST commands.   Either way you will have full access to all the communication parameters.

I'd suggest you start with the command line interface.   Everything we know about the device accessible using either the path_get() or path_set() commands.   Open the interface, and then try:


Where NODE is the node number of the color bulb.   This will show you everything we know about the device, not including the configuration information.  For most devices that support the "configuration command class" you can then type:

>>> path_get("/<node_number/configuration/*")

This tells the server you are interested in the value of these parameters, which are not normally polled.  (polling them absorbs Zwave bandwidth)  The server then immediately begins polling them and continues doing so until you restart the server.   The polling is infrequent, so most of the bandwidth occurs in the first minute when the values of configuration values 0 through 256 are immediately requested from the device.  After the first time, you can drop the trailing "*".   After waiting about 60 seconds, here is what I get from my AEON color bulb.

>>> path_get("58/configuration/*")
{ '0:58': { 'configuration': { '101': { 'size': 4, 'value': 4},
                               '102': { 'size': 4, 'value': 8},
                               '103': { 'size': 4, 'value': 0},
                               '111': { 'size': 4, 'value': 3},
                               '112': { 'size': 4, 'value': 600},
                               '113': { 'size': 4, 'value': 600},
                               '13': { 'size': 1, 'value': 0},
                               '200': { 'size': 1, 'value': 0},
                               '252': { 'size': 1, 'value': 0},
                               '254': { 'size': 2, 'value': 0},
                               '3': { 'size': 1, 'value': 0},
                               '80': { 'size': 1, 'value': 2},
                               '89': { 'size': 1, 'value': 1},
                               '90': { 'size': 1, 'value': 1},
                               '91': { 'size': 2, 'value': 25},
                               '92': { 'size': 1, 'value': 5}}}}

The color bulb apparently responds only to requests for configuration parameters that actually do things.  You are now ready to change parameters using path_set().  When doing this you must be careful to set both the "value" and the "size" of the configuration parameters.   Some devices will not accept configuration values unless they are set with the correct size.

It sure does appear that there are undocumented parameters available, and I don't know what they do.   In addition to the reference you posted, another reference appears on the Zwave Alliance site:

Here's one attempt to change parameter 101.  Note the the device shows it to be size 4, so that's what's used to set it.

>>> path_set("58/configuration/101", { 'value': 255, 'size':4 })
{ 'size': 4, 'value': 255}

The value did change, but apparently only the lower 4 bits are significant.

>>> path_get("58/configuration/101")
{ 'size': 4, 'value': 15}

You can also read configuration parameters from any browser using URLs like:


However to write them, you will need an application like the free Chrome browser extension named Postman.  Using Postman you can use web POST or PATCH to similar URLs to change configuration parameters, or most anything else in the Engen server.

You can experiment from here.  I think our other users would benefit if you would share what you find on this forum.   Have fun.



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Re: Aeon Labs Color Bulb Advanced Features
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2017, 09:42:49 pm »

Thanks so much for the information, Gene. I'm starting to experiment and learn about the multi color features of the device. I'm posting my notes here, hopefully these will be helpful to others. The commands are all for Engen's Client Terminal interface. My bulb is on node 2.

Parameter 37

Rainbow Color Mode:

Code: [Select]
path_set("/2/configuration/37", { 'value': 1, 'size': 1 })
Multi Color Mode: Works, but not useful until you can set colors in parameter 38.

Code: [Select]
path_set("/2/configuration/37", { 'value': 2, 'size': 1 })
Random mode: Works, transitions between random colors.

Code: [Select]
path_set("/2/configuration/37", { 'value': 3, 'size': 1 })

Still not sure how to set multiple parameters simultaneously. For example, when I try to set the speed, it turns off the light which leads me to believe that to get fast transitions you need to send several values at once.

 Also, the 'size' seems to refer to what the manual calls value, which is confusing. Any attempt to set a size larger than 4 on parameter 37 results in an error, which means the size variable is one of the four bytes listed in the manual.

Question, can you turn the above commands into a windows command line function? How would the below command look like in the command line or as a POST command?

path_set("/2/configuration/37", { 'value': 1, 'size': 1 })

Thanks for getting me started here, I'll continue to experiment on another evening.

My resources are these:

Aeotec Bulb manual:

Document on parameter 37:


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Re: Aeon Labs Color Bulb Advanced Features
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2017, 06:23:26 am »

Thanks for posting your notes.


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Re: Aeon Labs Color Bulb Advanced Features
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2017, 12:16:11 am »

You can send commands with Windows, but it is tricky to get the quotes right.

Code: [Select]
python -n "command-1"  "command-2"  "command-3"  ...
Will send the commands to the server.   If the commands include spaces or other characters that the windows cmd processor interprets, you need to put the command in quotes.   Also if you have quotes, then you need to quote the quotes, which is tricky, and I am no expert on how to make Windows do that properly.

It might be easier to put the commands in a file, and then run the file as in:

Code: [Select]
python -n -f filename
That works the same way, but avoids the problems with the quotes.


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Re: Aeon Labs Color Bulb Advanced Features
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2017, 08:10:37 pm »

Thanks Gene. I found a command which worked for the first advanced function, it was a variation of your second suggestion.

First, you make a roygbiv.txt file with the following argument (modified for color bulb node):

Code: [Select]
path_set("/2/configuration/37", { 'value': 1, 'size': 1 })

Then, the .bat script is:

Code: [Select]
echo off
mode con cols=16 lines=1
"C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Engen 1\Server\EngenClient.exe" -n -f "C:\Users\Documents\Desktop Batch Files\ROYGBIV.txt"

It turns out to open the Python shell, all you need to run in the Windows command line is EngenClient.exe. The terms "python" and "" are unnecessary.


I'm going to keep testing these parameters. It turns out the Fibaro LED controller has similar parameters for multi color options as well.

It is possible that the input for "value" needs to be a binary number, I'm getting unpredictable results for commands other than value=1 size=1.


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Re: Aeon Labs Color Bulb Advanced Features
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2017, 01:50:27 am »

My mistake.   I'm kinda unix-centric.   The windows version has the same parameters, different command line.

Thanks for the correction.
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