? on OwnCloud (which I also have), how are you using it with MC as I don't get it 
There's an "external sites" function in next/owncloud; I'm using nextcloud now, but I used to use owncloud (before the fork), and I'm pretty sure it had the same option. You point that app to an external site of your choice, and then the site shows up as an "app" in the drawer in the upper lefthand corner of the cloud's web interface. When a user picks the app, it opens the site you directed it to in a frame with the nextcloud/owncloud navigation in bar across the top.
You can point it to webgizmo, and webgizmo will then show up as an app in Nextcloud, and it works great. There are some technical hurdles though, as if your Next/Owncloud instance is secured via https they won't let you embed plain http sites as apps for security reasons. So you need to wrap webgizmo in https to get it working, but once you do it works a treat. If there's any interest I can do a post about config, but I didn't bother as I didn't figure they're weren't many Next/Ownclouders here.
It's nice though as it makes the whole streaming aspect of webgizmo much easier to integrate for the family, and I can piggyback onto Nextcloud's robust user management, authentication, and security model for my other home services that don't have those kinds of options. My nextcloud is internet facing, so I and the family can now get to webgizmo when away from home safely, I also have a calibre content server running the same way. This kind of integration is one major advantage of webgizmo's fairly straightforward web design; some alternative web music front-ends break completely in an x-frame because they've got so much web-tech crammed into them. So I've been tinkering around in spare minutes trying to setup a reverse proxy for webgizmo, and with some help I'm finally there, and webgizmo just does it's business in the frame happily