Can't find a way of doing this.
Let's say I have a collection of Duke Ellington CDs displayed as individual CDs in the normal way - [Album Artist] then [Album]. Then I buy a box set of 10 Duke Ellington CDs called The Columbia Studio Albums Collection. I want the box set to appear in the same view as all the other Duke Ellington CDs, but as a stack named The Columbia Studio Albums Collection, and when I click on this stack, I want it to open up and reveal the 10 individual CDs inside, each with its correct name and in the correct order.
Any help, please?
I have set it up exactly the way you describe it. The box set (with the cover of the actual box set) shows up as an "album" among the other artists regular albums. When I double click on the box set, it opens a new view where all the individual albums (with their own cover art) are shown.
Here is how I personally set it up (no expressions):
1. Similar to Don W's suggestion, make a new custom field simply called "Disc" (or whatever you want to call it, it's mainly a tag to represent the individual discs in the box set). A regular String field.
2. Open up Customize View.
View as: Categories.
Show Categories In This Order: Album Artist
3. The name of
each individual album/disc in the box set should be put in the [Disc] field/tag. If the name is currently in the [Album] tag, just use the "Move/Copy Fields" function for simplicity. (Source: Album, Destination: Disc, Action: Copy (leaves source))
4. Make sure all the albums/discs in the box set have the correct disc number in the [Disc #] field/tag (in your case, disc 1-10).
5. When the above is done, select all the individual albums/discs from the box set and put the
name of the Box Set (in your case "The Columbia Studio Albums Collection") in the [Album] tag. As a result, all the albums are now tagged as one album (stacked) and can be displayed among the other "non-box set" albums.
6. Double-clicking on the box set opens a new view where (if each individual disc has been tagged properly with the [Disc] and [Disc #] fields according to my point 1-4) the discs are displayed as separate albums in disc # order. (Sort by: Disc #).
Thumbnail Text in the new view: Make sure you make it to display [Disc] instead of [Album] in order to see the name of the individual discs.
I also have different [Date] tags. The regular [Date] is filled with the date the
box set was originally released. Then I have [Date (Disc Org Release)] where I put the date of the individual album's original release date (in case the box set contains a set of albums that have been released individually before).
Cover Art displayed for the box set: To solve this, I have to first add another track (in my case a 3 second long track with silence) to the box set. The track should be tagged with the same [Album Artist] + [Album] + [Date] as the box set. In the [Disc] tag I also write "Box" and set the [Disc #] tag to empty. Then you can just assign cover art of the box set to this file.
I think that's the basics. I may have forgotten something so if any questions just ask