First I want to say I have been using MC since version 10 or 11 and use it for everything in house (TV, Movies, Music, all things entertainment). But it really shines for the audiophiles. Nothing compares to all the customization/tagging you can for documenting your media.
I first introduced an old track view skin in a previous post years ago that I used for a while. It was a little complicated and used a server for some things. A couple of years back, I converted everything to client side only and entirely it's self contained code (html & javascript only). Recently I updated the interface and I think it's solid enough to share outside of my private circle of friends who are of course MC users.
uses Fanart backdrops - from (if avail, if your a deep diver of artists you might get a hit 1/2 out of 5 artists), if no hit it loads from a set of cool landscape images.
extensive Wiki narrative (slow scrolling text you and your friends to read up while listening)
plus most of the essential trackinfo data that you would expect.
Track number
Cover Art
Playlist position
Next up Artist / Title (uses MCWS for this)
1920x1080 resolution only
Chromium Web engine optimized (so make sure chrome is installed)
You have to provide your own api keys (easy to register and get your own for free - goto
Enable Media Network (MCWS) on the server library you are accessing.
Cannot have authentication on for MCWS for the library you are accessing. (unless the JR folks can show how me to pass credential through track info.
Unzip folder into Visualizations\Track Info folder. Add your API keys in the top of the index.html file (hard to miss).
Important Notes:
This is NOT something that I am going to support for users, I will make improvements though as I see fit on my own time and will eventually provide updates to this post when significant enough. Feedback is appreciated though.
The searching calls that the wiki info and the fanart works well but is not perfect. It is flexible with band names and artist names and handle reverse order for sorting etc. Your artist names should be named as accurate as possible to get the most results. For best viewing, you should be somewhat OCD about tagging.
Attached a screenshot.
Maybe this will get me beyond a Junior woodchuck level

Download here (1.5): (lower-res. Sometime TVs that are 1080p can be weird with the layout. The 720p version usually fixes it)