Obvious first question, is the silence part of the track? Some tracks are sloppy, with arbitrary silence at start or end. I chop off the silence using an editor such as Audacity.
And sometimes there's a lag loading/starting the track, various possible causes. But once it is loaded (played at least once), if a replay starts immediately (by clicking the Play button rather than re-loading the track) then something about the system is causing the delay.
But also, MC has controls for playing silence that typically is between tracks. An album or CD or similar has those silent gaps built-in, so your MC might be set to play a sequence of separate tracks as if they also have inter-track silence.
Or not...this can be controlled. Go to Playback Options and look at the Track Change and other settings. (Ctrl+O > Audio, or via Player menu.)
In fact, you can go beyond having MC eliminate silence between tracks, you can have it slightly overlap tracks for that "radio station" sound, or whatever you want. It is very customizable, though note that whatever you specify happens to all tracks of all libraries played in that MC.
(I'm probably a tiny minority, but as a broadcaster I like radio-station segues, as we call them, so my MC is set to Track Change > Switch tracks > Cross-fade (aggressive) > 2s. Using this "aggressive" setting doesn't really audibly cross-fade, it overlaps the ending and starting tracks without altering their volume, by approximately the specified duration, the result of me asking Matt for this several years ago.)