OK, baby steps to start off with...
First of all, go to your library folder, by default, located at: C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 22\Library\
Once there, look for a folder called "Saved Views". If it is not there, create it.
Download the attached zip file and extract the file it contains into this 'Saved Views" folder.
Next, in Media Center, click on "Audio" in the tree on the left, then, in the top toolbar, click on
View > Add View > Add Library View
This will launch the 'View Picker'.
Look for the item called "Music", shown in the attached screen snip, and double click on it to add it to your tree.
I'm not sure where you are on the MC learning curve (welcome aboard btw

) but, a read of these links might help with some of your questions...
"Customise View" primer:
http://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?topic=68960.0"Album Artist (Auto) Explained":
http://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php?topic=33255.0The Album Artist (Auto) is old, and long, but still current today. It basically works like this:
If the 'artist' field is populated, and the 'album artist' field is blank, 'album artist (auto)'='artist'
If the 'artist' field is populated, and the 'album artist' field is populated, 'album artist (auto)'='album artist'
If the tracks from the album are tagged with different artists, and 'album artist' is empty, 'album artist (auto)'=(Multiple Artists)
As for propogating the view to other systems, you can use the same method as outlined above on each computer to move the view around, or alternatively, and perhaps preferrably if the systems are on the same network, learn more about using MC in a Client/Server configuration. That way, the views are maintained on the server, and all clients receive the same views from that server.
One last note about the view I've shared your way... I've set as "Panes on the Left", then collapsed the panes section using the little bar that separates it from the files list. Look for the vertical bar that has the two little triangles on it. There will be two, one for the tree. When you load the view, the panes will be visible. Use this splitter to hide them if you prefer to have it that way.