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Author Topic: JRemote missing Cover Art  (Read 3501 times)


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JRemote missing Cover Art
« on: July 15, 2017, 11:05:28 am »

I have JRiver version 20.0.131 on the computer. Cover art on computer display fine, but several albums are missing cover art on iPhone and iPad (same albums missing on both devices). My JRemote version is latest. All music files are on a NAS. Let me know if there is any way to fix it. Thanks.


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Re: JRemote missing Cover Art
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2017, 09:14:45 am »

Have you tried rebuilding thumbnails or there is an option to build missing thumbnails



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Re: JRemote missing Cover Art
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2017, 03:12:39 pm »

I have the same issue. All the cover art is saved into the album tags (most are hi-res) and I have done multiple "update tags from library" and "update library from tags" cycles for the entire library of several thousand albums. I've determined that the specific covers missing from the "Album" display in JRemote vary from session to session. I have also determined that doing an "update library from tags" command for a single album sometimes causes the art to display, but since I have to close/reopen MC and reboot the iPad in order to retest, it may just be random.

I normally run the Mac Mini server headless and control it with Splashtop on the iPad (when not using Remote). If I directly connect a monitor and review the Album view of the library in MC, every single album cover displays. So the issue is not that the image files are not present in the audio file tags.

I'm also seeing similar missing cover art when I view MC in Album view via Splashtop. In both cases (JRemote and Splashtop), when the art doesn't display I see the blue eighth-note icon with no border, rather than the black-and-white note icon with border that often appears while the display is loading albums.

This leads me to suspect that there's something about the iPad or the connection that is causing the drops. The iPad storage indicator only shows half full. I think it's a 16GB memory. I don't know anything about how JRemote or Splashtop populate the displays, but it does seem odd that in a given session the missing art doesn't eventually show up.

I now have something over 70,000 files in the library, probably around 4000 albums. Could I be hitting some limit in working memory or cache or something? My impression is that this problem has gotten worse as the library has grown, only really becoming noticeable after the last addition (of about 2000 albums) after tagging (which I did on my laptop). The Mac Mini is reading the files from a directly connected NAS (cat 6a ethernet cable, no hub, only about 3 feet away) so there should be no bottleneck there.

Any ideas on further troubleshooting, or possible fixes, would be most welcome. Thanks!


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Re: JRemote missing Cover Art
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2017, 04:20:47 pm »

Check the size of the images (pixel width and height). I found that really large images sometimes don't work. Replace them with something like 600x600 pixels and all should be fine.
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Re: JRemote missing Cover Art
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2017, 09:54:15 am »

I have all mine set at 500 x 500 or less , I see no issues

Andrew may wel have it . Try a couple of the offenders a bit smaller maybe



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Re: JRemote missing Cover Art - update
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2017, 01:59:03 pm »

Thanks, all. Replacing the highest-res images would be hugely impractical, since there are at least a thousand of them and I'd have to look up the size of each to see if it exceeds the threshold you suggest. It took me several months to tag all these and I don't have more weeks or months to spend on this.

The good news is that JRemote is now displaying all of them, as is the Splashtop view of MC on this computer. I guess it just took several days of scrolling through the library for MC to finish making all the thumbnails. Perhaps the larger image sizes and the 4800+ albums makes it a longer process.

The bad news is that MC on this computer will no longer display the Options menu (either under Tools or Player) or the Media Center menu. I've restarted the computer and MC several times to no effect. MC is also hanging when I click the close button or select quit, so I have to force quit. So I don't think 23.74 is really stable yet. Fortunately, it still plays fine and JRemote connects at least most of the time. I don't want to reinstall MC and have to wait several more days for the thumbnails to rebuild or to have to configure all my settings again, so as long as it plays I'll wait until the next "stable" upgrade and hope that fixes things. I do my tagging on a separate copy of MC on a different machine, so that shouldn't be affected.

Thanks to all who responded. I wanted to follow up to add a data point. Image size doesn't seem to be a permanent showstopper, though it may slow down the thumbnail building process.


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Re: JRemote missing Cover Art
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2017, 05:32:29 pm »

... MC on this computer will no longer display the Options menu (either under Tools or Player) or the Media Center menu. I've restarted the computer and MC several times to no effect. MC is also hanging when I click the close button or select quit, so I have to force quit. So I don't think 23.74 is really stable yet.
Stability has not been an issue.  If you can't get options to open, wait a minute to see what happens.

Antivirus programs can cause problems like this.


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Re: JRemote missing Cover Art
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2017, 03:54:00 am »

I use a program called Tag&Rename

 it allows you to mass select and pick an Image size st 500 x 500

I think you can even get a month demo and do the job in one fell swoop if that is what you want.



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Re: JRemote missing Cover Art
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2017, 03:09:08 pm »

I have around 2300 albums in my library and never had issues with cover art. I like high resolution album art on my iPad: the jpg files (renamed Folder.jpg) are between 1200x1200 and max. 1500x1500.
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