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Author Topic: MC 22 locked up in Windows 10, tough to get it to close  (Read 1808 times)


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MC 22 locked up in Windows 10, tough to get it to close
« on: July 21, 2017, 11:53:59 am »

Don't have details because MC froze for a very long time, took some work to close it.

I was running Import on my Images library, believing some photos had been overlooked so I wanted to be sure they were in the library. MC charged off to do the job.

Then after a long time Windows dimmed MC and declared is was not responding. I could see constant hard drive activity so figured this is just the known situation where MC does not communicate with Window often enough but otherwise is working OK.

Except eventually (30 minutes) I thought, not really working. Trying to open Task Manager with MC on-screen was impossible. I could Alt+Tab to another windows, open Task Manager, and see that MC was using 74MB of memory, but had no I/O. Waited a while, then decided MC was frozen, so I needed force it to close. (I did not find any MC dialogs or prompts or such that would be holding it up.)

BUT....I can't. When I click Media Center 22 in Task Manager, first time, MC disappeared from Task Bar. But it did not actually close per Task Manager, Now, clicking it in TM, usually nothing at all happens. But sometimes it says "Unable to terminate process. The action could not be completed. Access is denied".

Not good, because the only next step seems to be to reboot the computer, yet I have other windows open doing other things, hate to lose my place in my workflow.

Since MC was not visibly running, I tried starting it again. It loaded, then declared it was already running, but started anyway as a second instance with data in read-only mode. Sure enough, Task Manager showed two Media Center 22.exe programs running. I then easily closed the second instance. But the first instance remains running but locked, can't terminate it, "Access is denied".

I switched to Command Prompt, intending to kill the Windows process by PID. But when I typed "tasklist" MC was not listed. I looked back at Task Manager and it was gone from there. So, either it eventually closed (more than 30 minutes after telling it to) or issuing command "tasklist" caused Windows to refresh what it thinks is running.

I then restarted MC and it came up normally. So, I'm up and running but very puzzled, don't know why this happened.
Managing my media with JRiver since Media Jukebox 8 (maybe earlier), currently use Media Center for Audio/Music and Photos/Videos.
My career in media spans Radio, TV, Print, Photography, Music, Film, Online, Live, Advertising, as producer, director, writer, performer, editor, engineer, executive, owner. An exhausting but amazing ride.


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Re: MC 22 locked up in Windows 10, tough to get it to close
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2017, 01:17:29 pm »

Then after a long time Windows dimmed MC and declared is was not responding. I could see constant hard drive activity so figured this is just the known situation where MC does not communicate with Window often enough but otherwise is working OK.
That's a Windows error message and a Windows problem, not an MC problem.  Windows will generally recover.

It's not MC's job to manage Windows.

... this is just the known situation where MC does not communicate with Window often enough but otherwise is working OK ...
MC is doing a lot of communicating with Windows when this happens.


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Re: MC 22 locked up in Windows 10, tough to get it to close
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2017, 04:10:48 pm »

I am experiencing essentially the same thing, on a client to the media server. I have a Windows 10 running MC22 Media Server and a Win10 MC22 Media client. The server doesn't display the same symptoms as I'm about to describe. The client on the other hand, after using MC22 to launch an external program (IE and Sling's executable) and return on close of the external program, launches into some sort of hard drive function that is running the drive's read/write at 94-99% (according to Task Manager) for upwards of 30+ minutes. The entire system is extremely slow to respond, meaning if you're patient enough, waiting 3 or 4 minutes for a keystroke (ALT-F4, arrow left/right, ALT-TAB, etc) to respond. The launch link is the part of the Theater View menu system "launch external program" setup on the server and the client is using the server's Library, with the executables locally installed on the client. The issue arises when I'm finished with the external program and close it, thus prompting the MC22 client to reemerge and take the focus back. The Theater view does come back and looks normal, except the clock in the lower right corner remains at the time the launch was clicked and the hard drive gets pegged, from there everything moves at a crawl. As mentioned previously, arrow keying over to 'Exit' > 'Shutdown' > 'Restart' waiting two to three minutes per keystroke or using Task Manager to End Process on MC (also waiting for the CTRL-ALT-DEL / CTRL-SHFT-ESC to be recognized) clears it. If Task Manager was used, a reboot is still required to bring it back to "normal" functioning.

I did not have this issue on the same with MC21

Specs on the client machine;
Dell OptiPlex 3010, 3.4GHz i5, 4GB RAM, 200GB HDD, running Win10 LTSB 1607 & MC22

Thanks for any help.
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