Thank you. Certainly, I see how I need to nest my functions rather than list them. The problem though is that - these fields just aren't being created. I will return home and see if there is some field descriptor that I may have left out, which is causing them to not be created. It may be an easy fix - or I may need to return.
BTW, for those following - I realize that I could also use a Calculated Field. However, this can't be edited. So I end up with Dylan, Bob but also Roses, Stone. So if I choose the default, at least this way I can later edit the field if it doesn't work the way intended.
I SWEAR that iTunes does this automatically and has pretty good intelligence to determine whether names need to be swapped or not. I don't know if they use a giant database or have some big IF formula that looks for the two hundred most common first names. So IF (Bob or John or Jerome...) then Swap, ELSE Don't. But I sure wish JRiver had greater functionality in this regard.
However, as a Classical music fan, I will be adding a field called "Composition", so that I can group several movements into a single "Beethoven Symphony #2", but also preserve the Album. On iTunes, I use the Album field to group movements of a larger composition.