I understand FLAC, and WAV and MP3 formats. But what is PCM24, in comparison to FLAC? And why WAV is a 16bit PCM?
In answer to aoqw76 my equipment is NAIM NAC-N272 preamplifier/DAC/Streamer with NAP-250DR power amplifier and ProAC D20R speakers.
I don't fully understand the 3 camps you mention, but in simple terms i would like the MC22 to just send the digital signal to the N272 preamplifier and to let the internal DAC to do the work.
I checked on google about PCM, ok it is a method of making an analogue signal in digital format, but is this different to FLAC? And what does transcode mean then? Convert from one code say PCM to another say FLAC or MP3?
Finally, how does MC22 work then, does it have the option of sending a signal to a DAC unaltered, or transcoded? When MC22 plays on my laptop directly, is it using my computer's DAC, or is the MC22 software performing a DAC process as well? I assume this is not possible, right?
All very confusing, but important to understand, if this is possible.