Yah, I've changed some things such as:
Display attached to receiver - HDR - let madvr decide
artifact removal - reduce banding artifacts checked, and reduce ringing artifacts checked
image enhancements - adaptivesharpen checked, activate anti bloating filter and ringing filter checked
scaling algorithms
chroma upscaling - processing done by custom pixel shader code: super-xbr checked
image upscaling - doubling: NNed13, 64 neurons for luma doubling, 16 neurons for luma quadrupling, let madvr decide for chroma. activate doubling only if scaling factor 1.5x or bigger, and quadrupling only if scaling factor is 3.0x or bigger
upscaling refinement - adaptivesharpen at 0.5. activate anti-ringing filter checked
general settings -use direct3d 11 for presentation checked, use a separate device for presentation checked, use a separate device for dxva processing checked, increased cpu queue to 16, gpu queue to 8
smooth motion - enable smooth motion frame rate conversion only if there would be motion judder without it checked
dithering - error diffusion option 1 checked
That's all I can remember I changed.