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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 23.0.65 for Mac  (Read 6914 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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JRiver Media Center 23.0.65 for Mac
« on: October 03, 2017, 10:24:53 pm »

This is the latest build of JRiver Media Center 23 for Mac.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.


23.0.65 (9/29/17)

1. Fixed: MC could crash in certain cases when there was an error downloading an internet file.
2. Fixed: MC inconsistent test for gzip encoding in FileLoader.
3. New: Initial build on Xcode 9 and High Sierra.

23.0.52 (9/13/17)

1. Fixed: Up/Down arrow keys were still wrong.

23.0.51 (9/12/17)

1. Fixed: Keyboard problems still: arrow keys were inserting spaces into edit controls.
2. NEW: Added the right-click command to playing now "Paste Playing Now Image From Clipboard".  This way you can customize the image shown for a device.
3. Changed: Panel - The selected zone is now stored in a cookie and restored when returning to Web Gizmo after navigating away.
4. Changed: Panel - File conversion works on images so incompatible image types should now work on Web Gizmo.
5. Fixed: Converting video to MPEG-2 AutoFPS could fail due to an imprecise framerate.

23.0.50 (9/7/17)

1. Changed: Made the advanced section in the new tag window include calculated fields.
2. Changed: Updated the wording on the access key generation dialog to better describe adding the library.
3. Changed: You can no longer add your own library to the "Add Library" dialog.  Instead it shows a warning.
4. Fixed: Main thread could still stall for 30 seconds or more when a user created "handheld" device is actually a network drive which was removed from the network.
5. Changed: Typing searches in the tag window search box will accept entering a pipe to or the test with other things (ie. genre|artist).
6. Changed: If you pick "No import" from the auto-import count-down, it won't do another count-down.
7. Changed: The playlist export option "Store paths relative to exported playlist location" is saved between runs of the tool.
8. Fixed: Keyboard shortcuts were broken in 23.0.42.

23.0.42 (8/31/17)

1. Fixed: In list views, the "typed navigation" feature (type a letter to select the next track beginning with that letter) wasn't working for characters with diacritic marks (e.g. umlauts, accents, etc.).
2. Fixed: Non English text input was not working correctly in most edit controls.  MC still does not handle languages requiring multiple key presses for a single character, such as many Asian languages.
3. Changed: In the Cmd-K popup text entry dialog for entering special characters, the input field is now focused immediately so you don't need to click in it first.
4. Fixed: Small memory leak in text sorting system.
5. Changed: The image portion of the tag window uses the same highlight color from the skin as the text fields.
6. Changed: Added selection colors to the tag section of all the skins (thanks Awesome Donkey).
7. Fixed: If one of the conversion cache folders was empty, it would exclude all folders from an import.
8. Changed: Conversion cache folders are enforced to always be underneath a "JRiver Conversion Cache" folder.
9. Changed: Convert Format tool will prevent system from going to sleep.
10. Changed: The fields with values section of the new tag window now includes editable calculated fields like year.
11. Changed: Skins can specify a highlight color for the tag window by filling: <TAGWINDOW> <Colors Selection="00FF00" /> with a value.
12. Changed: When Media Center pops out of the tray to play a video (new feature) it'll now return to the tray after the video is stopped.
13. Changed: The reshuffle remaining command disables when there's less than two tracks in Playing Now.
14. Changed: Panel replaces the old WebGizmo interface.
15. NEW: Web Gizmo - Added radio buttons and play doctor search.
16. Fixed: Web Gizmo - Mobile view playback controls.
17. Changed: Made searching on an expression work with greater than and less than signs to treat it as a number (that makes a search like [=ListCount([Artist])]=>1 work).
18. Changed: Web Gizmo - Simplified interface by removing the sidebar and adding navigation links.
19. Fixed: Picking multiple files with different ratings would clear the rating field in the new tag window.
20. Fixed: Possible rare crash from the tab control code.
21. Fixed: Typed navigation was not working in pane views on Windows.
22. NEW: Ratings show as lists of clickable stars in the new tag window instead of as a number.
23. Changed: Lyrics and other large value type edit fields will show up to 6 lines in the new tag window instead of only one line.
24. Fixed: Mouse wheeling over a large text edit control in the new tag window would stop the editing instead of scrolling.
25. Changed: Clicking the close button on the new tag window will stop any open editing instead of closing the window.
26. NEW: Web Gizmo - Playing now page on mobile has complete playback controls.

23.0.41 (8/24/17)

1. Fixed: When certain keyboard input sources were selected (e.g. Japanese and maybe others), keyboard input was not working.
2. Changed: The zone switch menu appears when you right-click DLNA zones.
3. Changed: Files that get linked now contain a "Link Start" field value that's the first file in the link.  This allows you to easily see if a file is linked or not (since the "Link" field is empty on the last file).
4. Changed: When starting playback of linked tracks, the first file in the link set is always started (if the link was newly created so has the Link Start set).
5. Changed: Clicking a large edit box will no longer select all (instead the selection will be at the start).
6. Changed: Added the video option "Stop after a long pause" to make the new behavior optional (defaults to on).
7. NEW: The new tag window has the ability to show all fields with values (just add the type "Fields With Values" in the edit dialog).
8. NEW: Added the expression function IsDigit to test a string for digits (and decimals).
9. Fixed: "Get Movie & TV Info" properly handles Unicode sequences in the TheTVDB result.
10. NEW: "Get Movie & TV Info" now offers a language choice for metadata lookup (currently available with TheTVDB and TheMovieDB).
11. Changed: Web Gizmo - Added tree browsing optimizations which limit the number of requests.
12. NEW: Web Gizmo - Added currently playing name and artist information to playback bar.
13. Fixed: Web Gizmo - Search bar was not updating results on change.
14. NEW: Web Gizmo - Progress bar now shows buffered portions of the media.
15. NEW: Web Gizmo - Fullscreen mode for images along with previous & next controls.
16. NEW: Web Gizmo - Added search, playing now file list, and file list view when browsing.

23.0.36 (8/18/17)

1. Changed: Internal changes, compiling with C++11 libraries.
2. Changed: Web Gizmo - Added tree browsing optimizations which limit the number of requests.
3. NEW: Web Gizmo - Added currently playing name and artist information to playback bar.
4. NEW: Web Gizmo - Added search, playing now file list, and file list view when browsing.
5. NEW: Web Gizmo - Input added for selecting zone playback, new button for playing all files in current view.


1. Changed: Web Gizmo support for larger library views.


1. Changed: The new tag window is opened always (no way to switch anymore).
2. NEW: Web Gizmo has a fresh new interface (very experimental, with certain features unsupported currently).


1. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).


1. Fixed: Numeric "Spin" type UI controls did not respond to multiple mouse clicks on the up/down arrows unless there was a 1 second delay between them.


1. Changed: Italian translation updated (thanks, Massimo).


1. Changed: Radio KISS - Default playback is player and audio quality is Original.
2. Fixed: Radio KISS - Playing now song select didn't work on remote zones.
3. Fixed: Connecting to a new remote library didn't reliably use HTTPS if a HTTP connection to the same library was used before.


1. NEW: Included updated German translation file. (thanks to ByteStar)
2. Fixed: Playback could cause a crash if the Remote Control feature was disabled.


1. Fixed: Get Movie & TV Info didn't scale the subtitle selection properly on some monitors.
2. Changed: Removed World Weather Online from Theater View weather because they expired our API key.
3. NEW: Added OpenWeatherMap as a source to Theater View weather.
4. Fixed: Theater View News Interact wouldn't show Japanese and other foreign characters properly.
5. Fixed: Radio KISS - Settings (play to, quality, zone info) wouldn't be cached on some devices after closing the browser.


1. Fixed: The weather plugin wouldn't scale nicely on high DPI.
2. Fixed: Radio KISS - Various display issues resolved on tablets/medium displays.
3. Fixed: Radio KISS - Volume/previous/play/next buttons and selecting track now all work and disable properly.
4. NEW: Radio KISS - Very early implementation of play doctor button.
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: JRiver Media Center 23.0.65 for Mac
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2017, 08:05:24 am »

I posted this already under another thread but I think that it belongs to this one.
Thanks for a very stable and reliable build!
What remains is a problem with French/ Italian special characters.
Unlike their German brother I can't type them directly into a tab field -
á, à become simply a. If I use the special context field for this it crashes
after typing and confirming.



  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: JRiver Media Center 23.0.65 for Mac
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2017, 05:43:13 pm »

Latest JRiver for Mac and I am unable to 'next track' using my Siri Remote' via SiriMote.  When I single click the top pad (next track) it just jumps say 5 sec forward or scrubs forward instead of going to the next track.  All the other controls work as expected, volume and play/pause.  Not sure if this is a bug with MC or SiriMote or what and hoping someone else with a SiriRemote can confirm this behavior?


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Re: JRiver Media Center 23.0.65 for Mac
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2017, 10:02:19 am »

After version 23.0.42 the keyboard shortcuts have stopped to respect mac keymaps. I'm using OS X 10.11.6 (and went back to MC 23.0.41).


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: JRiver Media Center 23.0.65 for Mac
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2017, 07:41:24 pm »

Was 23.0.70 released and subsequently redacted? I updated a few days ago, and have not seen an announcement.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 23.0.65 for Mac
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2017, 07:46:33 pm »

Was 23.0.70 released and subsequently redacted? I updated a few days ago, and have not seen an announcement.
It's on the Download Page.


  • World Citizen
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Re: JRiver Media Center 23.0.65 for Mac
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2017, 12:58:10 am »

It's on the Download Page.
23.0.65 is but not 23.0.70
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