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Author Topic: New Work and MovementTags  (Read 924 times)


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New Work and MovementTags
« on: October 11, 2017, 03:35:06 am »


Not to plug a competitor product just a comment on my own experiences , its a tool, not for me a replacement for MC ...

I see in the recent build that you have introduced Work & Movement plus others, this is great for classical listeners, the only issue is the amount of time it takes to copy paste / find and replace etc to populate these tags.

I have for some time had a Custom Tag "Composition". I swapped the name from my original choice "Work" to Composition because I discovered the MusiCHI Tagger program to automate the population of this Tag.

MusiCHI Tagger is great in that it standardises Composer Naming and Composition Naming so that if you keep settings the same you get the same Composition name each time which means that all your "Beethoven Fifths" group together if you create a "Compositions View" in MC. I now have a view in Panes that filters down to a composition say Beethoven's Fifth and shows all the recordings of that composition that I have in the library.

The Composition is a standard Tag in MusiCHI and as long as the tag names match between MusiCHI & MC (eg Composition), a tag populated in MusiCHI is passed back to MC as the change occurs by Auto Import as files changed externally etc.

This saves an enormous amount of work in creating the "Work" tag. Also Tagger has a comprehensive Text Processing capability (I hate to say it a couple more tricks than MC  :P)

If you are serious about creating Work & Movement for a classical library its well worth looking at (its 20 Euro for the Tagger half of the suite)... no plug , I am simply a happy user.

Clearly you can duplicate Composition and Work and use Move/Copy to keep them in sync

Hope this helps


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