I have MC23 master license.
One copy on apple airbook via wifi. (I know potential issue for imports, so...)
One copy (now) on PC via cat 5 cable, with anitivirus software OFF.
brand new QNAP NASD with only 4000 FLAC files on it. on Cat 5 cable to my DAC / amp.
Importing, or even updating my library is EXTREMELY slow. on BOTH devices.
library is on the local HD (solid state with lots of ram)
It seems to, as another user said, import the first 1500 or so, then hang on every file thereafter.
I have monitored local syst resources while importing, and see no local bog.
Problem occurs on BOTH wifi or cat 5 cable.
I have copied to and from the NASD with incredible speed, just migrating BIG files / folders.
(NASD and connectivity are very fast)
I have read other posts with same frustrations.
I cannot attribute it to any one thing based on above info.
NEW ideas?
I am not a super user, or code savvy guy,
but I know how to troubleshoot and use common sense