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Author Topic: NEWSLETTER: Tying it All Together  (Read 1713 times)


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NEWSLETTER: Tying it All Together
« on: November 15, 2017, 06:22:22 pm »

This newsletter will go out tomorrow.  Please note any typos or other errors.



Good Day,
Thanks for your interest in JRiver Media Center.  (If you're not interested, there is an unsubscribe link at the bottom.)

Panel and the Id

Together, the JRiver Id and Panel, are a breakthrough combination of JRiver's strengths in network coordination and control of hardware and software.  They have become very popular with our customers.

JRiver Id

Place an Id next to a playback device.  Play to it.  It's a DLNA Renderer.  It can also be a DLNA Server or a Media PC.  It can run without a monitor or keyboard.  The Id requires very little power.

Or play on it.  It's a complete computer and runs a special version of JRiver.

Control it remotely from a phone, from a tablet, from a desktop.  It works with a wide range of remotes.

The JRiver Id (rhymes with kid) just works.  It's JRiver hardware, so it plays anything.


JRiver's Panel app makes remote control or remote playback easy.  Panel is part of JRiver Media Center 23 so there is no additional charge for it.  Just start Panel from a browser.  Click once or twice and play audio.  It's that easy.

Panel runs in a browser but works like an application.  Think of gmail to get an idea of its power.

Panel is touch friendly.  It has big colorful buttons.

Panel is easy.  Hand your tablet to anyone and they will understand it.  Or just email them the link.

Panel supports Radio KISS, our visual playlist manager.  It's great for background listening.

Try It Now
Open your browser and visit our Id Outside page.  You'll be streaming audio from our Id to your browser in less than a minute.

Media Network

Panel and the Id are just part of JRiver's broad offering for network entertainment.  JRiver is a leader in media playback and control across a network, on both LAN and Internet.  Here are just a few of the capabilities of JRiver Media Center's Media Network.

Play from one computer to another.  It could be a JRiver Id or any other computer.

Use a remote to make selections and adjust the volume.  Change the direction of playback.  The remote could be a phone or a tablet.  It could be another computer or a hardware remote.

Panel is our latest remote.  It's always available, from any device, with no setup required.

You can use Media Network to play to your car or your hotel room or to an airplane.

Media Network supports Wake on LAN.  Your computer may be asleep, but your remote can wake it up.

Any location you can play to is considered one of MC's Zones.  The playback settings are zone specific, so you can use one zone to play one kind of media and another to play a different kind.  You can use ZoneSwitch to make this change automatically.

Wiki Topics
Media Network
Network  Access
Upgrade Instructions
Restoring a License

Tidal Support

Changes to our WDM driver have fixed a problem with playback of Tidal content.  Just download and install MC23.0.81 or higher.  You can route Tidal through JRiver so you can use JRiver's playback engine, control the volume with a remote, or apply DSP effects.


Watch Interact for some exciting news about using the HiFiBerry Amp2 with JRiver.  The HiFiBerry is an add-on board for the Raspberry Pi3 Model B (very small ARM computer).  The Amp2 is a combination DAC and amplifier.  In a very small package, you can have a device that connects directly to your speakers and can stream audio from JRiver.  It's pretty unbelievable.

Thank You
We appreciate your support.  We're always on the forum if you have a question or comment.

Warm Regards,

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