I see a ton of value here.
I have to admit though. I am sometimes... nay, often daunted by some of the complexities I see here. I'm intimidated. I have had lots of success and lots of failures getting MC to work the way I want it. The way I've seen it. The way people describe it. I'm still part of the "work in progress."
I see a problem, in that there is just SO MUCH information about how to get MC to do things, but it doesn't exist in what I would consider a digestible format. There are user guides (wikis), many are out of date. There seems to be a seemingly endless number of nice, knowledgeable people who participate here in the Forum. But I cannot deny that I have felt like a good certification in networking/Linux/dlna to understand more, to improve my setup, or to fix a problem.
I absolutely hate stating a problem without a potential solution, but I haven't figured out a good proposal.