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Author Topic: Streaming issues with DLNA  (Read 2764 times)


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Streaming issues with DLNA
« on: February 10, 2018, 10:29:57 am »


Having some strange (to me) quirks streaming from JRiver.

I am streaming music files from JRiver to an Oppo 203 - tv is Sony Bravia if that matters.
The wifi connection is good i.e. nothing else is having issues: internet, netflix etc is fine.

The problem is this: the Oppo/JRiver only seem to recognize one another at random - meaning sometimes they do, much of the time they don't.

When they do show up, I can access JRiver via the Oppo no problem but it drops out after several minutes.

Once that happens, it goes back to invisible indefinitely.

FWIW, I did get a new router last week and it has been worse since then - don't know if that is related.

I have read a bunch of the wiki pages and forum posts and still can't seem to make heads or tails as to
1. how to fix it and/or why it's happening in the first place

FWIW, I have reset the Oppo and rebooted the computer etc.

Any insight would be much appreciated - this technology is new to me and a lot of the language pertaining to it is new as well -

I am fairly confident that I set it up ok because I have been able to stream without incident - i.e. it works fine until it doesn't work.



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Re: Streaming issues with DLNA
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2018, 10:40:50 am »

Are you playing from MC to the Oppo?

Or controlling the Oppo to play from MC.

If the first, then the Oppo is probably acting as a DLNA Renderer.  You probably need to set the Oppo a certain way.

The wiki has a topic on DLNA that might help.

Are you using Windows 10?

Did you try powering everything down and back up?  Devices and network.


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Re: Streaming issues with DLNA
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2018, 10:50:42 am »


I typically play from the Oppo for convenience.

I am on a Mac - it's an OS Sierra version 10.12.6

I have spent considerable time with Oppo customer support and we apparently reached a dead end - in so much as the Oppo is connected wirelessly no problem and is set up correctly apparently.

I have powered down and up - Oppo and Mac several times and have also closed out of JRiver etc - SOMEtimes the MC is visible after that, sometimes not.

Oddly, before I got a new Router, I streamed for several hours a couple weekends ago - no problem at all. Although, even with the old Router there was a bit of "off and on" with the streaming but not nearly as problematic as it is now.


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Re: Streaming issues with DLNA
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2018, 10:54:22 am »

Windows 10?

Power cycle everything.

Please describe the network.  Try using a cable to eliminate the wireless connection.  If that works, then there are other steps you can take to see if you can improve the wireless connection.  But test with a wired connection first.


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Re: Streaming issues with DLNA
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2018, 11:22:29 am »

I have a iMac OS Sierra version 10.12.6

I don't THINK I have Windows 10 - I realize that might sound like a stupid answer - but my wife gave me the computer for my birthday refurbished - I did a search and found no evidence of Windows anything anywhere.

ISP is ATT U-Verse
Router is Pace model #5268AC FXN
There is wireless access - the Oppo/wifi connection is fine

I have power recycled everything, several times.
Sometimes the MC is visible via the Oppo after that, sometimes not
When it is visible, it seems to play a file for a few mins and then simply stop
Then it becomes invisible again.


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Re: Streaming issues with DLNA
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2018, 11:27:14 am »

Routers often have an option to support UPnP protocol. The exact location of the option depends on the router's manufacturer, but you should maybe check that, just in case.



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Re: Streaming issues with DLNA
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2018, 11:34:28 am »

Windows 10?

Power cycle everything.

Please describe the network.  Try using a cable to eliminate the wireless connection.  If that works, then there are other steps you can take to see if you can improve the wireless connection.  But test with a wired connection first.

I just switched to ethernet and it showed up - am playing some music now - will let 'er rip for a bit and see if she shuts off



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Re: Streaming issues with DLNA
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2018, 11:36:15 am »

Routers often have an option to support UPnP protocol. The exact location of the option depends on the router's manufacturer, but you should maybe check that, just in case.


Happy to check that - but you'll have to forgive me as I am rudimentary in my tech language and don't know what "UPnP protocol" means.



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Re: Streaming issues with DLNA
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2018, 11:57:53 am »

UPnP is the old name for the previous version of the DLNA standard (or maybe a subpart of DLNA, I do not remember).

I do not know what that implies in terms of  network exchanges and protocols, I just know that checking it can sometimes fix the issue :-)


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Re: Streaming issues with DLNA
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2018, 12:01:19 pm »

UPnP is the old name for the previous version of the DLNA standard (or maybe a subpart of DLNA, I do not remember).

I do not know what that implies in terms of  network exchanges and protocols, I just know that checking it can sometimes fix the issue :-)

ok, thx

As far as streaming currently, the ethernet is working fine.

The router is close to the Oppo so I just may use the ethernet connection - unless there is some upside to wifi - the ethernet seems to be working perfectly for the last 20 mins or so - which is about 15 mins more than the wifi has been doing in the last week or so


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Re: Streaming issues with DLNA
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2018, 12:07:27 pm »

Actually, FYI...

the music did just stop via ethernet connection - after about 20 mins

However, the MC is still visible and I was able to access files and resume playing.

Not sure why it stops.
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