Thanks, Jim. I'm still learning MC. That was an area I never bothered to try anything other than what worked first go. I probably should change the Username and Password I use to something other than the credentials of a User on the HTPC. Security implications and all.
I cleaned up a bunch of test Playlists yesterday working on my Workstation MC Client, only to find that they didn't delete from the MC Server. So it would seem that Playlist deletes aren't synchronised. I've noticed that before but not been bothered. Deleting them from the MC Server and synchronising got rid of them. Closing the Client and restarting it always loads a fresh copy of the Server Library onto the Client, so anything fixed on the Server will be fixed on the Client.
And where do playlists live in MC?
They live inside the MC Library, and not separately in Playlist files. That is why MC has the Playlist Export/Import functions.
But I don't know where to put it so MC will find it and use it
As you are running Windows on both NUC MC Server and Office PC MC Client, just put the exported Playlist file anywhere visible to the NUC, and then run File > Import Playlist... on the NUC. You will get a file dialogue box to navigate around and find the file to import.
And the authorization says that it is "Read Only" access. How can that help?
There are two separate types of Authentication. The one with the Checkbox is the one you need to set up to allow synchronisation.
I haven't had a need to use the Read Only Authentication, but it is used to allow MC Clients to connect to the MC Server and play media files, but not update the Server Library. You will notice that there is an option to allow Everyone to have Read Only access, which doesn't require a Username and Password. Or you can require a Username and Password so only Clients with those credentials can gain read access to your media files. If you ever plan to access your MC Server from outside your network, it would be a good idea to use one of the methods that require credentials, rather than give Everyone access.
Is it possible to do what I want, which is to have the NUC act as an MC server, while I rip, update the library and build playlists from my office PC? And, if so, what am I doing wrong?
Okay, this is where it gets difficult. A bit of a can of worms actually. Yes the NUC can act as a MC Server.
But there are certain things that a MC Client can't do, that either need to be done on the Server, or you need to get into drive mapping from the Client to the Server and other workarounds.
I can never remember everything that a Client can't do, but it can't;
Move files around using the F6 Rename, Move, & Copy Files function.
Collect Cover Art for storage on the Server, where it needs to be.
Build or edit Views that will be synchronised back to the Server. View changes done on the Client are not synchronised and are lost the next time you restart the MC Client.
Rip CDs directly on the Client to the Server.
Delete Playlists from the Server, apparently, but it can edit them.
Basically, any task that involves saving, moving, renaming files can't be done on the Client, except for changing Tags in the Library, which the Server will then save to the files in its Library.
A search of the forum would probably find a more complete list.
So, what I and many people do is use a local Library on the PC that is normally the MC Client to rip CDs to media files, tag them, collect Cover Art for storage inside the media files or next to the files in the Album directory, rename them, put them in the sub-directory structure I want, and then copy the new sub-directory over to the correct directory on the Server, where the MC Server is watching for new files, and then MC will import those files into the MC Server Library. Then those Library changes will be synchronised back to the Client, next time it is run.
Once the new media files are imported into the MC Server Library, you can connect the MC Client to the MC Server and build Playlists on the Client, which will be synchronised back to the Server.
Simple really. Okay, maybe not so simple
It could be made more complex by using the Office PC running a standalone local Library, with a drive mapped back to the NUC Music directory to rip CDs directly onto the NUC. But that only avoids the copy step, introduces a network mapped drive into the ripping process which could slow the process and cause issues, and is even more confusing than doing it all locally and then copying the result across.
PS: If anyone thinks I am missing something and could be doing it easier, speak up! I don't mind being corrected.