I just tried it.
I quite like it, it replicates Winamps way of doing it which I always liked.
One thing I prefered about the winamp way was I could click on any of the headers (of the listing windows) and a list would appear of all the fields and I could simply navigate up or down to change which field.
So if I had it set up as: Artist Album - right now it would display:
Artist Column, Album Column with all the info.
This is great but what if I suddenly want to group by the year instead - with winamps method I could just click on the column header, all the fields would appear (like when u right click to customise the view scheme) and I could navigate to whichever one I wanted the column to then sort by. It would in effect let us temporarily save and navigate the view scheme differently without having to save it or edit it - we could change it quickly to try find something - it would be sooo much nicer!
Also - is it a case of either or? I'd personally like to be able to specify that the tree on the left displays column a, b, c as nodes and that view fields d, e, and f were then done on the right. This would especially count where we have a large number of items for the view scheme - too many seperate boxes just wouldn't work.
I used the 'location' field to do some clever tress so that I had for instance this:
TV Series as a view scheme with location as the first field to sort by.
It then just used my hard drive setup to display seperate artists in the list - so it'd then give me a tree with: Friends, Alias, Dark Angel, etc - all depending on my folder setup on my computer as if they were all view schemes saved under a view scheme group - I'd like this to still stay as a tree node with the episodes and series then displaying on the right in the new segments.
Also - is this GUI suggestion instead of the split screen layout discussed in the GUI thread??
If it is I'd FAR prefer the layouts suggested there as this one addresses NONE of the issues or reasons for wanting the new GUI.
- being able to search the library while still watching the playing now files
- being able to drag and drop files into a playlist and drop them in the position we want them in
- being able to add files to the cd burn playlist and see all the cd burner info as we're adding the files and also again order them as we want them as we add them.
- being able to drag and drop files between seperate playlists to move them visually and easily.
- being able to be navigating the tree two ways at once without having to stop using any one location (can navigate one way in the top and one way in the bottom)
- and more
Summary: it's nice but I'd prefer the GUI suggestions in the GUI thread if it's a case of either or.