I was asked to start a separate thread, so here goes.
[Uninstalling]When trying to completely uninstall MC v.9.1.196, the "Media Center 9.1" entry is not removed from the Add/Remove list (registry entry HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Unistall). Also, a bunch of other clutter is left in the system directory. (Sorry, but this is just a pet peeve of mine.
[No Window on First Run]When installing 9.1.196 fresh, the first time it executes, it fails to create a window. An icon is created on the task bar, but it doesn't do anything. I had to end the task and restart again. (It behaves normally on the second execution.)
Interestingly, I did this twice: once with my database left intact from previous uninstall, and once after a full uninstall. Both times, a window wasn't drawn, but with the one without a database, it did import my media first before it appeared to die.
[Empty Search Bar Results]In this build, a change was made so that pressing enter in an empty search window is not suppose to update the playlist:
10. Changed: Search -> Enter on search with no results doesn't do anything now.
Maybe I'm just misunderstanding the change made, but for me, this still ends up clearing all the tracks except the one currently playing.
To produce:
- Right-click on something (an album) in your media library and select Play;
- Switch to Playing Now view (Ctrl-2);
- Click on "<search here>" text and then hit <enter> key;
- Your playlist will now be empty with the exception of the first song.
[Lost Mouse Events] (UPDATE: Fixed in B197)
After clicking on the playback icons, the window seems to not release the mouse focus until you LEFT-click on something else at least once.
To produce:
- Open your Media Library and select (highlight) a branch that has some songs in it;
- Left-click on the play icon (music should start playing);
- At this point, RIGHT-clicking on anything (media tree or track listings) has no effect (and repeated right-clicking doesn't help);
- The first single left-click (again, anywhere) has no effect, but after that first click, things start acting normally again.