Please read VERY carefully.
This is a BETA version of 9.1. If you expect things to work, please download the latest 9.0 build from this thread:;action=di splay;num=1054751628 but if you're patient and willing to help us work out some of the bugs, you can download 9.1 here (recommended for experts only):
Backup your library before installing Please report any 9.1 problems in this thread. Keep a list of problems and if they aren't fixed in the next build, please post the list again.
1. Fixed: File properties navigation bar would auto-hide and steal focus while editing properties.
2. Changed: Improved drawing speed in several areas.
3. Fixed: Media Server was not working with new version of MC's database.
4. Changed: Can now customize both the top and bottom toolbars.
5. Changed: Skins can now specify "inactive" toolbar images. (so images can change on toolbar mouse-over)
6. Changed: Search bar at top of program grows with long searches.
7. Fixed: Media Center was not filtering our old skins.
8. Fixed: TiVo Shuffle mode was not working.
9. Fixed: CD ripping would pop up an error message box at the end of each rip.
10. NEW: Added "Playing Now" to file properties area. (note: still experimental)
11. Changed: Search strings are saved / restored when navigating using "Back". (just like scrolling and selection)
12. Fixed: Scrollbars would not page properly when hitting the extreme top or extreme bottom of the scroll page area.