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Author Topic: DLNA setup - Specified output format only when necessary - how does MC know?  (Read 3912 times)


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When doing DLNA configuration, one of the parameters is 'mode'.  The choices are 'original', 'specified output format', and 'specified output format only when necessary'.

How does MC know which formats are OK to send to the renderer, and which ones it should transcode into the specified output? 


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When doing DLNA configuration, one of the parameters is 'mode'.  The choices are 'original', 'specified output format', and 'specified output format only when necessary'.

How does MC know which formats are OK to send to the renderer, and which ones it should transcode into the specified output? 
It knows the renderer can play mp3 and L16 (headerless 16 bit PCM).
Others are converted according to the settings in the Advanced options for Audio when 'specified output format only when necessary' is selected.


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What does it do when streaming internet radio?  Does it pass the data through, and transcode it, or does it pass the url through to the renderer, and the renderer deals with the data format?


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What does it do when streaming internet radio?  Does it pass the data through, and transcode it, or does it pass the url through to the renderer, and the renderer deals with the data format?
It passes the data through as is.


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Do you know of any plug-ins that could intercept the AAC stream and transcode it to mp3 or PCM on the fly?


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Do you know of any plug-ins that could intercept the AAC stream and transcode it to mp3 or PCM on the fly?
Not at this time although it's possible we might add that as a feature.


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It passes the data through as is.

Hmm. Thinking about this bob, I wonder if MCs SetAVTransportURI should a) pass the uri of the original source stream, or whether it should b) pass a uri on itself. I think there’s a strong argument for the former since MC can just set the uri and withdraw. OTOH if it would pass a uri on itself, then in “original” mode it is really just acting as a proxy server, and if in future you would add DSP or transcoding, then it would become a transcoding proxy.
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Hmm. Thinking about this bob, I wonder if MCs SetAVTransportURI should a) pass the uri of the original source stream, or whether it should b) pass a uri on itself. I think there’s a strong argument for the former since MC can just set the uri and withdraw. OTOH if it would pass a uri on itself, then in “original” mode it is really just acting as a proxy server, and if in future you would add DSP or transcoding, then it would become a transcoding proxy.
Hi Andrew,
It does pass the uri of the original source stream.
Unfortunately some renderers can't play certain streams.
At one point it was doing the transcoding according to the same rules files used but IIRC that had issues too so we decided to not try and transcode it.


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FYI - I'm one of those hoping we go back to transcoding (at least as an option)!  As Bob points out, some renderers don't like some streams... but it is a mix and match of what streams will not play on what devices. 
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Would it be possible to provide both alternatives?  I would like to have MC transcode the incoming digital stream, because I have a renderer that does not seem to handle AAC.  Others might prefer MC to pass the url straight through.

What do you think?


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A +1 from me on this one. The ability to choose either passing it straight through or transcoding it would be great when using multiple media renderers with mixed capabilities.


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I have been trying to configure DLNA to my Denon AVRX-3300W for the past five hours.  I have had no success.  I cannot for the life of me figure out how to enable the JRiver Media Center to appear on the list of Media Servers on the Denon.  For a while the Denon was appearing on a list somewhere in my JRiver MC Menu, but even then JRiver never appeared on the Denon's listing.  Now the Denon doesn't even appear where it did before.  I have authentication set up.  I have port 52199 forwarded to the IP address of the computer that is running JRiver MC.  I have tried virtually ever combination of settings that I could find in the Tools Options Media Network menu.  I am unfortunately frustrated because it sure seems from all of the reading of posts that I have conducted today that this task should not be difficult.

Any help will be tremendously appreciated.


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I guess you have a problem with your router. Make sure that all devices are getting their IP addresses via DHCP from the router. Make sure that the respective devices have an IP reservation on the router DHCP table (so the Ip won’t randomly change).
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You don't need to do any port forwarding unless you're trying to connect from outside your LAN.  See the Network Access topic on our wiki for more information.

Make sure that the Denon device is in the correct mode.


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I guess you have a problem with your router. Make sure that all devices are getting their IP addresses via DHCP from the router. Make sure that the respective devices have an IP reservation on the router DHCP table (so the Ip won’t randomly change).
Agreed and also if you have a mixed wireless/wires network make sure the router isn't doing multicast filtering.


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Also ensure you don't have any local firewalls on the workstation that is running MC that may be blocking it, and that you have configured MC to share its media network, Tools -> Options -> Media Network


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What mode does the Denon 3300 need to be in?  I have been trying it in Media server mode.


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What mode does the Denon 3300 need to be in?  I have been trying it in Media server mode.
You want it to be in a mode where it does DLNA rendering.


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I have it in "Media Server Mode."  The JRiver MC starts looking as though it is playing the file to the Denon 3300.  If I look at the Denon's display I can see the name of the song scrolling across the screen for perhaps 10 seconds.  Then that stops and the next song's name scrolls across the screen.  There is no audio coming out of the speakers attached to the Denon.  In the meantime, if I look at my JRiver MC screen the little blue line, allegedly indicate track is playing, moves to the right for about the same 10 seconds and then it dsplays "stopped."
At some point thereafter a popup message appears on my JRiver screen that states something about network error.


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I have it in "Media Server Mode."  The JRiver MC starts looking as though it is playing the file to the Denon 3300.  If I look at the Denon's display I can see the name of the song scrolling across the screen for perhaps 10 seconds.  Then that stops and the next song's name scrolls across the screen.  There is no audio coming out of the speakers attached to the Denon.  In the meantime, if I look at my JRiver MC screen the little blue line, allegedly indicate track is playing, moves to the right for about the same 10 seconds and then it dsplays "stopped."
At some point thereafter a popup message appears on my JRiver screen that states something about network error.
What format is the file you are trying to play?
What are your DLNA server settings in MC? (Options->Media Network->Add or Configure DLNA servers)
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