Don't know, how can I find out?
I did some Googling and refreshed my memory.
I think I see the issue.
Windows has a bunch of defined of defined folders such as Video, Pictures, Documents, and Music. This is where Windows looks for files of those types. It looks like at some stage you have moved the Music folder (known as the "System Music folder") from the default "C:\Users\Steve\Music\" to "D:\Music\". That is fine, although I don't do that because I don't want the files MC manages to be interfered with by Windows. I've never particularly liked the Windows implementation of System folders, because strange audio files could end up in the System Music folder, and then MC would import them in your setup. But that is beside the point here.
I think by default the "JRiver Conversion Cache" folder is also put under the System Music folder, even if you have selected "Custom", but then haven't changed the target folder. So back when you where converting files to MP3s and loading them onto the SanDisk Clip, copies of the MP3s were being left in the Conversion Cache, and MC was then importing them, because you have Auto Import set up to import all files in "D:\Music\" and its subfolders. The problem here is that your System Music folder, and the Music folder that MC manages, are one and the same folder. I guess lots of people do that, but they must move the Conversion Cache folder. I have seen comments about people having to do that when using the Handheld Sync or MC Conversion functionality. If you hadn't changed your System Music folder to "D:\Music\" then the Conversion Cache would have stayed at "C:\Users\Steve\Music\JRiver Conversion Cache\" and you wouldn't have seem this problem.
Something a little different is happening now, because you aren't converting the FLAC files, but are just loading them onto the AK100 as they are. But it seems that the Handheld Sync function is still leaving something in the Conversion Cache anyway, namely files in the format "". Mind you, I turned on the Conversion Cache on my MC installation and ran a Sync of FLAC files in Original format to my Sony XZ Premium, and no files of this type were created in the Conversion Cache. So there may still be something else going on, such as Sync Options. But it could just be because of the different device types. Let's see how we go with the stuff below.
Just to check on this theory, click on "Custom Folder" under the "Options > File Location > Conversion Cache > Audio" and see what it points to. I expect it will be pointing to "D:\Music\JRiver Conversion Cache\".
Then have a look in that folder using Windows Explorer. Are there files in there in the format ""?
If so, there are a couple of easy fixes, and one other.
1. As you aren't converting the FLAC files, select "None" as the Audio Conversion Cache. Any files that MC creates as part of the process should then be created in the Temp directory, and then deleted. MC won't try to import them even if they aren't immediately deleted.
2. If you may convert audio files in future, perhaps to load to a different device, change the Conversion Cache setting to something that isn't under the "D:\Music\" folder, perhaps "D:\JRiver Conversion Cache\". That way any future cached files won't be imported into MC.
3. Another option would be to set your Windows System Music folder back to "C:\Users\Steve\Music\" and set the Conversion Cache back to "C:\Users\Steve\Music\JRiver Conversion Cache\", which is the default. Then leave all your music in "D:\Music\" for MC to manage. But that is your choice and I'll leave you to work out how to do that if you wish.
NOTE: I suspect that if you try to change you System Music folder back to "C:\Users\Steve\Music\", Windows may try to move all your music back there as well. Only try this if you have researched how, and do it very carefully.
Using a Conversion Cache is a good idea if you are actually converting format as you sync a handheld device, and often change the playlists selected for sync but have overlap in the files referenced. It saves time by using the cached converted files instead of re-converting them every time. I don't convert so I don't use a cache myself.
If you haven't read the Wiki articles on Handheld Sync and its options, it would be good to do so: connect AK via USB cable. Maybe it would be better/simpler via card reader?
I use a USB cable, and it works fine. Directly loading to a memory card is faster, and is a workaround if MC doesn't work properly with a device. But I wouldn't do that in your case, as the above should fix your issue.
USB cable, Should wireless be shut off during downloading?
No need. I just asked this, and a couple of other questions, to get a better feel for the environment you were working in. As you are using a USB cable, and now I understand your Auto Import settings, this shouldn't be a problem.
That's okay. I thought the rouge files may have been turning up when you tried to play them, or perhaps as the Handheld Sync function processed them this setting may have been doing the wrong thing. I don't think so now.
I noticed under General “importing & tagging” > sidecar tagging mode: “Save in sidecar if internal tagging is not supported” > the option chosen is “Save in sidecar if internal tagging is not supported”
That may be a new setting you haven't noticed before. There were some changes recently that added settings around Sidecar tagging. I believe that is the default setting, is the same as what used to happen before the changes, and is the best setting.
“Custom folder”, (Maybe this should be “None”?)
Maybe. That is option 1 above.

Under Temporary files > C:\Users\Steve\AppData\Roaming\JRiver\Media Center 24\Temp\.
Then when I click on that a “Browse For Folder” window pops up with an opton to “Make New Folder”
No problem there, as MC isn't looking there for audio files. If this had been set to something like "D:\Music\JRiver\Media Center 24\Temp\", it would have been a problem, as MC will try to import everything under the "D:\Music\" folder.
Your "Fix broken links" setting is good as well.