I was thinking along the lines that Hilton has just described: A full JRiver Media Center Theatre View Client running on my 2016 Sony 4K Android TV, driven mostly by an IR remote.
But also, I can connect a wireless keyboard and mouse to my Sony TV. So I could do more advanced navigation using either or both of those, if the interface allowed. I could even drive the Standard View interface if it was available.
If this was delivered, I could move the HTPC and all its noisy drives out to say my office, or somewhere else out of the way in the house, and then do all MC maintenance there. Currently, I need to do some (lots actually) maintenance in the loungeroom at the HTPC, which is annoying.
I could add new Android TVs anywhere, install the MC Android Client, and immediately be up and running. Cool.
There would be no need to IdPi, NUCs, etc. connected to any TV in order to get the full Theatre View experience, so far, far less maintenance, particularly as a NUC running Windows 10 is still pretty much a requirement for video in Theatre View, and a NUC running an iGPU still has issues with the latest video formats & resolutions.
The only issue I see immediately with that is that audio out from my TV would still need to drive a Receiver/Amp with multichannel audio. But the TV supports 2 channels analogue (headphone etc.) out, 2 channel PCM or multichannel encoded digital audio via a TOSLink, plus the Audio Return Channel (ARC) HDMI connection, which may or may not work if the TV was playing media using a local Android app. For any "satellite TVs" in rooms other than my loungeroom, audio could probably just be played using the TV speakers, but in the main viewing room, I want real surround sound.
While the TV is capable of playing 4K HDR video, and all older formats, I'm not sure an Android app running on it would have full access to play the original file formats. Something for somebody else to work out.

I haven't really warmed to the Panel interface, but that is probably due to a lack of "Theatre View" style views being provided out of the box. I am thinking the Series/Season/Episode views for TV programs, Movie views, and Audio Artist/Album/Track type views, in addition to playlist views etc. I'm not really a fan of lists type views within Theatre View, such as come with Panel.
Of course, I could customise the Panel views to replicate the existing Theatre View views, but it would be nice if that was already done, and included in Panel for everyone, if they actually worked.