It's maybe just a mindset thing.
As MC is database based with customisable views the Icon displayed in the OS isn't that important (to me anyway) as to be honest I never see it and really don't care what it looks like and certainly don't need different icons for different file formats. The OS folder structure isn't really important either as the MC database takes care of that; a simple logical structure does the job. I wonder if you have different structures for WAV, FLAC and MP3? Something that's just not necessary with MC.
The views in MC displays the information I need/like/want; if it doesn't I customise the view. I don't 'explore' the OS folders of music unless I'm tagging a new album (I use the right click extension of MP3Tag to tag the contents of a folder).
Maybe customising the thumbnail text in MC might help you out.
[Name] ([File Type] [Bit Depth]bit [Sample Rate])
(if(isequal([File Type],MP3,1),<font color="FF0000">,)[File Type]if(isequal([File Type],MP3,1),<//font>,) if(compare([Sample Rate],>,44100),<font color="00FF00">,)[Bit Depth]bit math(formatnumber([Sample Rate])/1000)kHz/<//font>)