Here is a stupid problem I have had for some time. It seems so simple yet I cannot solve it.
Hopefully someone can point out my error and I can fix it.
For my Music MC24 I use Standard view. I have two two views showing plus the Main window with the view selections.
The middle view is the standard views you get from choosing from the column on the left. The second view, all the way to the right, is Now Playing.
The problem is I want the Now Playing view to stay the same and never change. No matter what view I have highlighted, when I select another view from the left I want only the middle view to change, and the Now Playing window to stay the same.
But no matter how I do it, selecting the view from the left will change now playing if it is highlighted. I have used the lock views selection but it does not work. One time I had it working for a whole session by saying lock View one, the middle one, and then the Playing window stays, but a reboot makes it go away. It always shows Albums where it should show Playing on every boot, no matter what the lock view says.
Folks who don't use MC alot come up and because the last guy moved his song up the list, the list (playing) is highlighted, Now the next guy comes up and picks "Artists" from the left but Playing changes to Artists, not the middle View.
If I set it the way I want, then lock View 2, it doesn't, or it might for a while or a boot, but it always comes back to not being locked, even if it says locked in Views.