There are the following differences if comparing two rows of the same .flac file etc:
- I had added a self defined field to the library named "Backup Disk" - the name of the disk where I had the backup of the physical files. Each backup dsik has a pysical label, with name , backup date etc.
->Now i have two values in the field: Backup.Multimedia-DVD-BD-21-02-2017;Backup (M)-Regular-Disk
-The library field "date first rated" also has two values now:22.02.2015 14:40; 30.10.2017 15:45
-The bookmark field has also two values: " "; 2435
-Date last Opened also has two different values sometimes
-Last Played;Last skipped; Number plays;Playbacklist;Skip Count;also has two different values sometimes
- User has two different values
Filepath is always the same comparing two double entries.
19.08.18 19:40
- Restored the first backup from the beginning of august, where everything was working. The double entries are now gone
So something between the beginning of august and now had changed. What I don't know.
- The Alexa Feser files I will restore from my backup
- I will monitor behaviour of my lib over the next day's.