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Author Topic: Video playback always play the first elementi of the movie list  (Read 887 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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Video playback always play the first elementi of the movie list
« on: October 03, 2018, 03:03:20 am »

When I try to play video with JRemote (on movies menu) JRiver always plays the 1st movie in the list (in alphabetical order) whatever movie I select.

Did somebody experience this?

thanks much
DAW: Fanless Case Streatcon 7 with MSI A97I mobo, 2 x 8G RAM (Hynix) with Intel I5 CPU.
NAS: QNAP TS-531 with 5x4TB HDDs
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Re: Video playback always play the first elementi of the movie list
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2018, 04:15:22 am »

AFAIK this is a longstanding bug, if you search in a view then try to play an entry, it will just play the first one. It makes search pretty useless imv.


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Re: Video playback always play the first elementi of the movie list
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2018, 03:14:51 am »

Don't remember experiencing this issue exactly. ALTHOUGH I've more or less completely replaced nearly all the default views in JRemote -- I probably have almost a dozen different views set up for videos alone as I find there really isn't a perfect one. The one I use most often for movies is sorting by season, episode, and track # within the heirachy of series, grouping, and album. Basically I fill all those tags (except the former which is kept blank unless needed for sorting issues). For movies (to me), an example of a series would be the criterion collection -- if there isn't a group or series I just label it as 'NO SERIES' and 'NO GROUP'. A grouping would be something like star wars or predator or alien movie franchise. And an album would be the specific movie title. If a group or movie title/album has multiple files, I woud sometimes add track numbers/episode or whatever. Or append a "z - subtitle" to the names of other non-essential movie featurettes (e.g. interviews, trailers) so that way the main title will always play first in your movie's list or stack of files. Don't necessarily have to do it this way but this helps keep the illusion of order going for me.


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Re: Video playback always play the first elementi of the movie list
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2018, 09:42:57 am »

replacing the dafault views with custom ones looks a good hints
Thanks much
DAW: Fanless Case Streatcon 7 with MSI A97I mobo, 2 x 8G RAM (Hynix) with Intel I5 CPU.
NAS: QNAP TS-531 with 5x4TB HDDs
Speakers (active): 2 x ATC SCM50ASL
Subs (active): 2 x REL 528 Signature


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: Video playback always play the first elementi of the movie list
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2018, 04:18:24 am »

BTW, this is another reason why I do not want to use JRiver for video (the other is the limitation where I cannot change subtitles in DLNA mode since subs change in possible only by OSD display which is not available in DLNA).

I am surprised this has not benn fixed, also considering that JRemote is not free of charge

Actually I use JRiver for video just as a database for choosing movies and locating the on the disk. Then I switch to Videostream which is great (in the premium version it also connect to Opensubtitles from the smartphone app)
DAW: Fanless Case Streatcon 7 with MSI A97I mobo, 2 x 8G RAM (Hynix) with Intel I5 CPU.
NAS: QNAP TS-531 with 5x4TB HDDs
Speakers (active): 2 x ATC SCM50ASL
Subs (active): 2 x REL 528 Signature


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Re: Video playback always play the first elementi of the movie list
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2018, 07:02:58 pm »

I suspect this will be certainly addressed in the future in jremote. Development is on hold however, as they seem to be focusing their energies in the web thingy — forgot the name — which is fine I guess. Oh yeah, the panel. I find I prefer my NAS’s own version of “panel” (synology audio station). JRemote has so much more clear potential.... though, for improvement. I know they’ll get back to it, but the wait just feels like forever. Heck, I don’t want want to wait five years for subtitle support in JRemote. But whatevs, it’s not like their team has the kind of money and resources that spotify or apple has. I just remind myself that video and image management weren’t my main reasons for getting the program in thebfirst place.


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Re: Video playback always play the first elementi of the movie list
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2018, 07:34:43 pm »

Let me clarify, there is some subtitle support for some formats with the iOS and android apps I believe — I don’t use DLNA — but you still can’t control it. About half of my movies are just plain DVD copies and foreign language sooo... being unable to select subtitles on those are indeed a pain. In such cases I just use my ‘netbook’ which I pretty much carry around with me everywhere. Still more inconvenient compared to using JRemote on my smartphone these foreign language films
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