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Author Topic: JRemote Request for a configurable GUI View feature  (Read 1462 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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JRemote Request for a configurable GUI View feature
« on: October 16, 2018, 03:03:33 am »

I am using JRemote now for some years and it is a very good iPad application.
There is although one thing which is missing me very much, a way to configure the GUI view the way I can configure a Database view based on the Tags contained in my data (mostly music files).
The reason is that for some genres like classic music there are it would be nice to display the composer somewhere on the main display. I know you can misuse  another tag (like artists) to put the composer that is as state misuse and actually not acceptable. If there is a composer tag then the composer should be in the composer tag and not the artists.
So creating the possibility to have different GUI Views (just like we have different DB views) where the user can himself decide which tags are displayed would be an enormous progress.
One could start (to make it easy on the designer) to design a fixed layout where the different fields in that layout can be configured with different Tags (or combination of tags). That way I could make a view for Jazz where on the artists is displayed under the track title and another view where on that location the composer tag is concatenated with the content of the artists tag.
I just give this example but one could come up with any combination of any tags available.
I for example put in the grouping tag to define the period (Renaissance, Romantic, Baroque, 20th-century, etc.) of classical music (I also use the Mood tag to set the ruff genre (Classical, Jazz, Pop) and use the actual genre tag of to detail that genre (Opera, Piano Solo, Symphony, Bebop, Hard bop, Funk etc.)
It would make the JRemote a lot more versatile and usable.
This could possibly apply also to other remote GUI implementations.


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Re: JRemote Request for a configurable GUI View feature
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2018, 05:00:42 pm »

If you go to Tools/Options/Media Network/Advanced/Customize views for JRemote, Gizmo & Panel you will find that you have full control over what metadata is displayed by JRemote. I use this to display Genre, Composer, Work, etc, for classical music.

I use JRiver to edit my music metadata, play MKV videos and play my rips of multi-channel SACDs. However, my stereo music is played via a Naim network player using the Naim app and MinimServer on my NAS (where the music files reside). Many people, myself included, think that MinimServer provides the best available browsing experience for a classical music collection.


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Re: JRemote Request for a configurable GUI View feature
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2018, 03:59:58 am »

The reason is that for some genres like classic music there are it would be nice to display the composer somewhere on the main display............I for example put in the grouping tag to define the period (Renaissance, Romantic, Baroque, 20th-century, etc.) of classical music (I also use the Mood tag to set the ruff genre (Classical, Jazz, Pop) and use the actual genre tag of to detail that genre (Opera, Piano Solo, Symphony, Bebop, Hard bop, Funk etc.)
It would make the JRemote a lot more versatile and usable.

The attached .jpg files show how my JRemote view appears within JRiver Media Center (it looks the same within JRemote). I have chosen to have only two values for the Genre tag, i.e. Classical and Non-Classical, with a Sub-Genre tag being used for more specific descriptions. However, this is just an example. You could generate a similar view to meet your own needs.

Is this the sort of thing you wanted from JRemote?


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Re: JRemote Request for a configurable GUI View feature
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2018, 06:52:03 am »

Haggis999 has it

With the JRemote views you can set up just about anything

I even have a view for Composer with a rule that limits to my top 20 composers , Bach, Beethoven etc to reduce the clutter, then a second one for all composers

Have a play, you need to restart the Media Server between edits



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: JRemote Request for a configurable GUI View feature
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2018, 09:42:54 am »

Sorry for my late response.
All these examples and remarks are about using the tags to make a selection in the database.
This is what I call (is called) a "Database View". You make a selection of which albums tracks are displayed. Not what is displayed.
What I wanted was to be able to chose what is on the display (GUI) at the deepest (last) level (The level where you finally play the tracks)
There you cannot compose a view where you chose what is displayed on JRemote.
I have added a scree shot of my iPad as an example.
All the information on there is fixed by the program. Nowhere can I see (Yes I know on the picture of the album) the name of the composer. I want to be able to modify the GUI field for example the field containing the Artist  Tag
“Pierre Fournier”
to “Composer Tag – Artists Tag”
“Ludwig von Beethoven – Pierre Fournier”
So if the different field areas on the GUI could be configurable so that the user can set which tag or combination of tags is put in there then this would, in my humble opinion be provide a big plus.



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Re: JRemote Request for a configurable GUI View feature
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2018, 10:41:10 am »

Sorry for my late response.
All these examples and remarks are about using the tags to make a selection in the database.
This is what I call (is called) a "Database View". You make a selection of which albums tracks are displayed. Not what is displayed.
What I wanted was to be able to chose what is on the display (GUI) at the deepest (last) level (The level where you finally play the tracks)
There you cannot compose a view where you chose what is displayed on JRemote.
I have added a scree shot of my iPad as an example.
All the information on there is fixed by the program. Nowhere can I see (Yes I know on the picture of the album) the name of the composer. I want to be able to modify the GUI field for example the field containing the Artist  Tag
“Pierre Fournier”
to “Composer Tag – Artists Tag”
“Ludwig von Beethoven – Pierre Fournier”
So if the different field areas on the GUI could be configurable so that the user can set which tag or combination of tags is put in there then this would, in my humble opinion be provide a big plus.

Everything in JRemote (including music selection) is part of the GUI, as that simply means Graphical User Interface. What you are referring to is normally called the Playing Now (or Now Playing) screen. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be any way to change what tags are displayed on this screen (apart from doing undesirable things like permanently adding Composer to your Artist tag values).

One partial solution is already available. If you press the i button at the top right of JRemote's Playing Now screen this will open up a panel that displays all the available metadata. However, like you, I would much prefer to have the ability to display my own choice of tags (e.g. Composer, Work, Artist, Track title) directly on the Playing Now screen - with my own choice about which of those is given the greatest emphasis. At present, JRemote emphasises the Track title, which is often the least important tag for classical music.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: JRemote Request for a configurable GUI View feature
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2018, 10:25:46 am »

Yes thanks. I knew that (the i trick) as well as all thr previous mentioned selection methods.
I just found it a pitty that one could not configure (tweak) the playing now window to better suit specific music styles (classical, jazz, pop) as they each would greatly benefit from a custom layout.
Thanks anyway for all your replies.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: JRemote Request for a configurable GUI View feature
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2018, 03:58:52 am »

Yes thanks. I knew that (the i trick) as well as all thr previous mentioned selection methods.
I just found it a pitty that one could not configure (tweak) the playing now window to better suit specific music styles (classical, jazz, pop) as they each would greatly benefit from a custom layout.
Thanks anyway for all your replies.

Most developers of music playing software only address the needs of music that can be described by nothing other than Track and Artist. The end result is simply ludicrous for classical music.

If Mozart was alive today, he wouldn't be much impressed to see that anyone listening to The Marriage of Figaro, for example, would not be told the name of the opera or who had composed it! The album cover art does not always fill in the blanks, especially when several works are on the same CD or box set of CDs. Kanye West would be similarly annoyed if his music was only described by tags for Mixer and Recording Location.

All it needs is an option to display four metadata tags on the Playing Now screen instead of two.


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Re: JRemote Request for a configurable GUI View feature
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2018, 10:31:57 am »

Are there likely to be any changes in this area? In general, JRemote is a great app, but just a little customization of the now playing window would be nice.

For example, options to turn off the display of Bitrate and Ratings would great.

1) "176.4kHz/24bit"  doesn't display properly in lower right hand corner. This should be fixed. Perhaps turning off Bitrate field would allow this resolution to display properly.
2) Updates to the play list (left side of screen) take a long time when the playlist is large. For example, when playing an entire Genre with thousands of tracks.



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Re: JRemote Request for a configurable GUI View feature
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2018, 12:06:46 pm »

Views in JRemote must be configured on the server it connects to.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: JRemote Request for a configurable GUI View feature
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2018, 12:22:48 pm »

We are not refering to the db view you can configure in jriver mc but what is graphically represented in the playing now GUI view of jremote which you cannot configure in MC


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Re: JRemote Request for a configurable GUI View feature
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2018, 12:27:44 pm »

Thanks, but I don't see how those options allow me to customize the "Now Playing" window as seen on my iPad.
What am I missing?
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