OK, I used your incredible input above, and created the following example that did *exactly* what I wanted!
I wrote it in a way that the "Expand" section in the Wiki might benefit (an example at
https://wiki.jriver.com/index.php/Creating_Advanced_Media_Views_Using_the_Expand_Search_Modifier), but I post it here first in case I missed something. Thanks again!!!
Potential example for updating Wiki link above follows...
This example is based on JRiver Media Center 24.
First, locate smartlist "Audio -- Recently Imported -- Imported this week".
Right-click on it, and select "Edit Smartlist..."
Click on "Import / Export" button, and copy the Smarlist rules data to your clipboard: [Media Type]=[audio] [Date Imported]=<7d ~sort=[Date Imported]-d
Continue clicking cancel until you exit the Smartlist
Now, create a new Smartlist (I'll call this "AAA - Import Dupes").
Click on "Import / Export" button.
Replace the Smartlist rules data with what was obtained above: [Media Type]=[audio] [Date Imported]=<7d ~sort=[Date Imported]-d
Modify the Smartlist rule to the following (so that it sorts by name, not date imported): [Media Type]=[audio] [Date Imported]=<7d ~sort=[Name]
Click on OK until you view the results.
I suggest adding a column for "Date Imported" in the view (right-click on the column headers in the view to update view)
Now, for the "magic" of "~expand"!
Update the Smartlist, and (via "Import / Export"), change the rules data to this: [Media Type]=[audio] [Date Imported]=<7d ~expand=Name ~sort=[Name]
Click on OK until you view the results.
You should now see all tracks in your library with names matching your recently imported tracks. Awesome, right!