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Author Topic: Hi, new, easy lyrics (?) manage Links?  (Read 2997 times)


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Hi, new, easy lyrics (?) manage Links?
« on: January 21, 2019, 10:32:32 am »

I'm new here.
I have searched for hours into days - hoping to avoid redundant questions (and the ever-present, obvious Internet response: did you try searching). So if you post a link that magically answers my question/s in a sentence or two and doesn't involve 17 hours of reading and experimentation, well, bravo to you, good person.

Keep in mind I'm 50 years old and we don't know for certain I'm not your illegitimate Grand-Dad. Much respect. I'm good, bro.
Legal, legitimate, current version of JRiver (and will fight in the street with anyone who claims there is a better music manager).
Windows 10 (recently returned after years of Win2K and then Apple devices and then Linux on those old, 2K machines.

To the point:
I want lyrics at any given time - in the grand scheme, not a huge deal. Sure, I'm currently in deep with the tagging of/and adding lyrics to terabytes of music. This seems good if I want to r-click a song and scroll two menus and pop up a text file. That's cool but.... eh.

So I'm experimenting with the [managing] "Links" in the upper-right corner. I can't seem to find a combination of site, url, [fields], etc. to simply and directly pop up - exactly and precisely - a page with: Artist, Name (of song) and Lyrics.
If someone could show me how they fill in their fields to achieve exactly this, I would be extremely grateful and even take back the Grand-Dad comment.
I'd be just fine with that ^

In my version of a perfect world JRiver would do something like how Pl_x does it, in that, a click of a button produces (scrolling, even) lyrics (if the lyrics "exist") on about 1/4 of the screen. I tried a couple/three JRiver skins to that effect but it doesn't work so well - maybe because the skins are almost as old as I am.
Maybe there's a solution in skins?

I even tried... was it "minilyrics" (?) but this too, seems old and it's plugin does not recognize my Media Center 24 exe file. I think it was looking for JRiver exe files from version 15 or earlier, or something.

So that's me. Old, frustrated, alone, feeble, living on a fixed income - and having already spent more time looking for solutions than I will ever spend looking at the seemingly simple results a solution might produce. May The Force be with you. Live long and prosper. Thanks for reading. And for sure, thank you in advance for any awesome solutions.


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Re: Hi, new, easy lyrics (?) manage Links?
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2019, 01:15:34 pm »

Lyrics lookup is in MC25 (not available yet).


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Re: Hi, new, easy lyrics (?) manage Links?
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2019, 02:27:43 pm »

Link to Song Meanings example:
Code: [Select]
<Link version="1,2">
<Item Name="Name">Song Meanings</Item>
<Item Name="Action">1</Item>
<Item Name="Base URL"></Item>
<Item Name="Search URL">http:////[Artist] [Name])&amp;type=songtitles</Item>
<Item Name="Filter">[Media Type]=[Audio]</Item>
Copy example ==> Manage Links ==> Paste Link information From Clipboard


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Re: Hi, new, easy lyrics (?) manage Links?
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2019, 03:46:52 pm »

Lyrics lookup is in MC25 (not available yet).
Thank you, JimH. This is good news as earlier I purchased my upgrade license. looking forward to it!

Link to Song Meanings example:
Code: [Select]
<Link version="1,2">
<Item Name="Name">Song Meanings</Item>
<Item Name="Action">1</Item>
<Item Name="Base URL"></Item>
<Item Name="Search URL">http:////[Artist] [Name])&amp;type=songtitles</Item>
<Item Name="Filter">[Media Type]=[Audio]</Item>
Copy example ==> Manage Links ==> Paste Link information From Clipboard
A-Ha! Thank you, lepa!
I had found past posts with code but did not realize/comprehend/pay attention to what I should do with said code. That is very cool how clicking paste kind of "magically" filled things in for... let's face it, kind of a dummy like

Thank you again to both. This makes my day!


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Re: Hi, new, easy lyrics (?) manage Links?
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2019, 09:43:46 pm »

Would there be a one-click way to just show, in MC, a page with what is in the [lyrics] field?


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Re: Hi, new, easy lyrics (?) manage Links?
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2019, 10:17:31 pm »

In fact, the simplest solution seems to create a custom tooltip for audio, and display lyrics there:,119208.0.html


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Re: Hi, new, easy lyrics (?) manage Links?
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2019, 07:12:00 am »

I'm with you all the way here. This vexed issue of JR MC being unable to easily display lyric data has been going on for too long with JR seemingly not wanting to do anything about it - in spite of umpteen posts either complaining or simply wanting to know when this issue is going to be seriously addressed.
The iPeng ap which I use in conjunction with my Zen music server has been able to do this without any problems for years so why are the JR techies floundering?
Lets hope that a simple end-user solution will be available when version 25 becomes available.
Roger Harris


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Re: Hi, new, easy lyrics (?) manage Links?
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2019, 08:30:16 am »

This is where we are for MC25:



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Re: Hi, new, easy lyrics (?) manage Links?
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2019, 02:18:35 pm »

This is where we are for MC25:

Looks great!
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