I decided to use MC to import all my photos and organizing them in folders. Picasa and Adobe Organiser don't do what I want and find MC easier to use BUT:
- This a more than a 2 step process which I think, could be greatly improved if the following were implemented:
For Images:
1. Read the IPTC during Import so it can create folders based on date created and not the date the picture was imported. OR
2. in the Acquire Images Option under Camera, add the option to apply tags just like the Media Import window. (But I assume this would only work after the file was imported not sure...)
For Videos:
1. For all imported videos having the "Img" prefix in the filename MC will add a season, episode number tag in the library which is unwanted and annoying.
2. The Library Name of the file will then become Img S02E37 instead of Img_0237. It should remain as per the filename Img_0237
2. The library will then inherit "TV Show" as the media sub-type ...It should either stay empty or be "Home Video".
3. As I'm syncing my files accross different PCs and Hard Drives the Sidecar is not always being read and the same tag changes have to be done on the other machines after import... That is even after forcing an "Update Tags from library" on the machine where the files were imported from the Camera and then "Update library from tags"...On the target PC after file synchronization...
https://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php/topic,109320.msg756655.html#msg756655...I'm fairly sure this could be appealing to existing or potential MC users...