We do NOT pay attention to other devices SINKPROTOCOLINFO because we've found it to be unreliable in many devices and incomplete in ALL devices since for anything other than LPCM you can't determine supported sample rates or bitdepths from SINKPROTOCOLINFO.
I have for a long time proposed that MC’s DLNA server settings should have a 3-way Switch rather than a 2-way. So instead of offering just Original/Convert you should offer Auto/Original/Convert. Where the Auto setting cause the server to select the most common denominator between the native media format, the SourceProtocolInfo of MC, and the SinkProtocolInfo of the renderer.
In fact MC “kind of” offers such a third Switch option “Convert when necessary” already. However the current implementation of that switch is rather half hearted, and not consistently implemented across all media formats. So essentially my proposal is that JRiver should do some work to clean up “Convert when necessary” to make it applicable to all media formats (audio, video, and possibly even images), and implemented according to a clear logic based on ProtocolInfo.
Indeed I think the Auto setting should be the default on new installs.
I do take bob’s point about lack of bit rates and bit depths in the non DLNA ProtocolInfo entries. However I would suggest that if a renderer advises (say) audio/flac or audio/x-flac, then under the Auto setting the MC should indeed push flac (in this example) for all bit depths and bit rates; and if the user finds that their renderer doesn’t actually support the respective rate or depth, they can always fall back to changing from Auto to one of the two manual modes (i.e. Original or Convert).