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Author Topic: Newbie help needed regarding file/folder structure - still evaluating  (Read 954 times)


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While the Wiki is helpful in many areas i am having difficulty finding out how to do a simple thing. Probably because i am not searching using the right phrases.
I am currently evaluating MC24 in this setup. My music files are organized (exacly as i want them to be) on a NAS network drive. I am trying to use MC24 as an interface only in that i will be sending the selected files to a network DLNA renderer. I have been able to get that done and all is working well What i am unable to get accomplished is to have my view in MC24 of my music folder structure (many levels) exactly as it sits on my NAS. I am not sure what i am doing wrong becuase of structure, all i see is a huge long list of the songs that MC24 found on the NAS.  How do i get my view in MC24 to exactly match what laid out on my NAS.
I think i have been able to get all the tough things accomplished but this simple thing has been a real time synch. Sorry for the dumb question, its not like i have not read and searched and am being lazy.


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If you expand Drives and Devices in the tree on the left, you can use Explorer to navigate.

You could also use MC's tools to tag your files based on your file structure.  Select a few and right click, then try using Tools > Fill Properties from File Name.

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Use the Files view under Audio to see the file structure as is on your NAS. Similarly under Images and Video.
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