Checked the file association and .mpl is associated to MC 25 - I thought it may be firewall / antivirus but with both off it still does not work
The sequence of events I get is
I go into doctor who (am logged in) I go to the Edbrady playlist and click on the play button by the play list and get notification box capture1.png (note the dialogue box says Streaming as the title)
I then click ok and the box disappears to be replace about 5 seconds later by notification box capture2.png (the the title of the box now says Shoutcast).
If I click OK in that box it then disappears to get replaced by the same notification box with SomaFM and so it goes on and on
In fact as an experience I thought I'd try downloading a playlist without files attached so I went to the playlist by user Axil (which is my own playlist which I uploaded under MC24 a few months ago ) and the playlist just gives me a download error so I definitely can say Doctor Who is
not working for me at all with MC 25.
Update :
I re-enabled JMRC 24 and tried to upload a 1 track playlist to cloud - that didn't work it's tries to upload but just fails and stores the .mpl on my desktop (which opens fine in MC25) - JRMC24 also won't download the playlist I already have there which I used exactly the same installation to upload in the first place

Doing the same in MC 25 - doesn't work either with exactly the same issue
The really stupid thing is Both MC versions report the file as uploaded but an attempt to play it clearly shows its not uploaded to the cloud at all - playlist doesn't show up under my account or file show up