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Author Topic: JRemote: Problem streaming Hi-Res Audio Files after Moving to MC 25 [Solved]  (Read 1532 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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I had no problem streaming Hi-Res audio files (24/96, 24/192, etc.) with MC 24 to my Galaxy Note 9, but now either they never start at all or they will start after a long lag, sometimes a minute or more; and I have no trouble streaming using BubbleUPNP to the phone or to Chromecast, or playing the files in MC 25 itself, on my PC. I'm using MC 25.0.24, and the latest firmware on the Note 9, if that makes any difference.

I attached an MC log, but I don't know if it will tell you anything.


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Re: JRemote: Problem streaming Hi-Res Audio Files after Moving to MC 25
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2019, 04:22:58 pm »

I was able to get a song to play from a Hi-Res album after checking those two boxes in Options>Media Network, but it still took about 45 seconds; and after a few seconds of playback, I tried another track on the same album, and I'm still waiting for something to happen.


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Re: JRemote: Problem streaming Hi-Res Audio Files after Moving to MC 25
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2019, 02:12:49 pm »

Still having this issue even after upgrading to 25.0.27. Tried checking and unchecking "Disable audio buffer to disk" in Media Network (tried the video one, too, just in case). Occasionally a hi-res file will play, but even when it does, it often takes 30 seconds to a minute to start.

Incidentally, I have both JRemote and Media Network set to NOT transcode, i.e., to play the original file as is.

I attached a log if it helps.


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Re: JRemote: Problem streaming Hi-Res Audio Files after Moving to MC 25
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2019, 11:08:19 pm »

How does it perform if you use Panel on the Galaxy?


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Re: JRemote: Problem streaming Hi-Res Audio Files after Moving to MC 25
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2019, 09:16:38 am »

Works perfectly on both Panel and BubbleUPNP: each hi-res file starts playing immediately, and I'm able to switch to another track on the same album or try a track on another hi-res album with no lag or the track not playing at all. Just tried again on JRemote and am now listening to silence, as I have been for the past minute.


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Re: JRemote: Problem streaming Hi-Res Audio Files after Moving to MC 25
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2019, 09:23:06 am »

Wait a minute: scratch that. I never use Panel, so I forgot to set it to play the uncompressed WAVE. Now I have silence when I try any hi-res file with "Uncompressed" set. It works when I transcode, however.


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Re: JRemote: Problem streaming Hi-Res Audio Files after Moving to MC 25
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2019, 06:17:55 pm »

Just to rule out the Galaxy, do you have another tablet / phone where you can try panel?


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Re: JRemote: Problem streaming Hi-Res Audio Files after Moving to MC 25
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2019, 05:38:13 pm »

OK, seems to be a problem with JRemote on the Note 9, as hi-res files played on Panel on my old Galaxy S7 and on my wife's iPhone. Also, I was able to get hi-res files to play on Panel on the Note 9 on my home network (I was out yesterday when I tried it).

What should I check on the Note 9? I had already disabled any battery optimization and removed any restrictions on background activity. I also cleared the cache under Storage. Anything else?


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Re: JRemote: Problem streaming Hi-Res Audio Files after Moving to MC 25
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2019, 06:55:09 pm »

Ok good that we've narrowed it down.

Only thing I can suggest at this point is validating your network settings, align them with other devices etc, and maybe remove and re install JRemote.

Doesn't appear to be JRemote specific however if panel is problematic, but worth a try.


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Re: JRemote: Problem streaming Hi-Res Audio Files after Moving to MC 25
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2019, 07:54:49 pm »

Seems like it's working now. The only thing I did was uninstall/reinstall JRemote (but it still didn't work after this initially), then change the Note 9 to "Android Phone" in my Netgear router's settings, and rebooted the server computer (though I'd done that at least a couple of times the past couple of days). But now hi-res files play fairly quickly, and I can switch from one hi-res track to another one and have the second (or third) start playing. Weird. Hopefully whatever shifted stays.

Thanks for your help!


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Re: JRemote: Problem streaming Hi-Res Audio Files after Moving to MC 25
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2019, 09:01:16 pm »

Great, nice work. Yep sometimes it just takes a bit of reshuffling. Smelt like a network problem so the router config sorted it I would think.

Enjoy the hi res.


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I thought this issue was solved, but I'm running into it again, mostly with Hi-Res files, but sometimes even with standard 16/44 FLAC (99% of what I stream from my server is FLAC).

To reiterate some things from my original post:

--I've streamed from my server to JRemote in my home network for years with no issues with 16/44 or 24/88-96-192 FLAC files.

--I started seeing some issues when I upgraded to MC 25. Usually what happens is that my main playlist (of 5,796 files, 99% of which are FLAC, probably 90-95% 16/44) will start playing on shuffle and then stop when it gets to a Hi-Res file; however, I've noticed that now it will occasionally stop on a 16/44 track for no apparent reason. If I hit "Play" in JRemote when it stops on a 16/44 track, usually it will start playing (no luck with this on Hi-Res, unfortunately).

--One other thing, too: as of the last update or two (MC 25-0-40 is what I'm on now), this playlist will take 20 seconds or so to start, much longer than it used to take on MC 24 and before, even with drives spinning up.

--As per Scobie's replies above, I tried Panel on my Galaxy Note 9 and can't get it to play ANYTHING, nor will Panel work with any files on that playlist on the server PC itself, Hi-Res or not.

--I'll attach a log below. I'll try, in this order:

1. Playing that playlist via JRemote; if I get some 16/44 files initially, I'll skip ahead till it stops on a Hi-Res file
2. Playing that playlist via Panel on a) my Galaxy Note 9, b) on the server computer, and c) on my Kindle Fire 10.

1. The first 6 tracks on the playlist were 16/44 and played fine on JRemote on the Note 9 (and the playlist started immediately, with no lag whatsoever). It hung on track 7 ("(They Long to Be) Close to You" by Issac Hayes, a 24/192 file).
2. Panel on the Galaxy Note 9: nothing played; on the server computer: nothing played; on the Kindle Fire 10: nothing played in Panel.

On this latter device, I also tried JRemote, and got the playlist to play all the 16/44 files, but it hung on a 24/88 file, "Dusty" by Soundgarden. Interestingly, I played a couple of Hi-Res tracks from Rush's 2112 (24/96) OUTSIDE the playlist and these played fine and started immediately, as did Hi-Res tracks by Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, but the Soundgarden track noted above continued to not start. The Isaac Hayes track that wouldn't play on the Note 9 wouldn't play on the Kindle Fire either in JRemote. Could it be the files? I tried playing the same Hi-Res tracks by Smashing Pumpkins, et al on JRemote on the Note 9: Nirvana played after about 30 seconds, Smashing Pumpkins never played, nor did the Soundgarden, nor again the Isaac Hayes.

I'm stumped.

Media Network settings: see attached jpeg.

[Edit] Should note that I've done all the settings to tame Windows Defender for Windows 10 and for MC 25, too, just to be clear.



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The Media Network settings are used for DLNA, not for JRemote (or Gizmo for that matter).

The Setting for Play Native Audio in JRemote is used to determine whether or not to transcode.
I'm not sure that is also true for playlists.

Can you play the problematic hires files if you play them directly instead of from a playlist (like pick a whole album of hires tracks and see if they all play).


  • Galactic Citizen
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I think this got (kind of) solved for me a while ago (which is why I never bumped it)--at least I haven't had any problems in a few weeks. JRemote seems to play hi-res files fine now on (or off) a playlist. One issue that threw me for a while was my Galaxy Note 9's battery optimization settings. Apparently, JRemote was one of the apps being "optimized" by default and somehow this was interfering with hi-res playback, or so it seemed (and sometimes with any playback). In other words, once I got rid of all battery optimization, things played fine, via playlist, or not.

Speaking of which: when I wrote the last post, most of my testing was done with hi-res files directly, i.e., not on a playlist--hadn't thought of that method of playback being different with regard to this kind of testing. Anyway, I was having trouble getting either to play on JRemote or Panel.

By the way, just tried Panel again on the server PC, and it works perfectly too, when before it wouldn't play anything, hi-res or not.

So I don't know what changed in the software or elsewhere beyond battery optimization for JRemote, but everything seems to be working well now.
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