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Author Topic: Help with restoring MC21  (Read 2868 times)

Tom Russell

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Help with restoring MC21
« on: April 24, 2019, 07:18:36 pm »

Hello. Tom here.

I can't get MC21 to restore on my Windows10 computer. I re-installed the operating system a month ago and had to restore MC21 at that time. I recall simply following the prompts and things went fine. I used MC21 several times in the intervening month and everything seemed to work as it should.

Yesterday, the "your trial period has expired" came up again. I have tried to follow all of the instructions as before. Something is different this time, as it's a no go. I have an install code ? that I have saved. If I used a code last time, this is the same one. It says no such code on record. I tried entering my email for an email confirmation. When I push send, the screen clears but nothing happens. No email. Although I am certain that I changed to my new email long ago, I tried the change email page. I filled it in as if I had not already changed my email. Nothing happens. None of the options actually do anything when I execute them. Nothing happens. It would be easier if I at least received some sort of decline. It would also be easier if there was an option to enter my user name and password or my email and password to restore service.

Although it appears that MC21 is installed on my C drive, I tried downloading a new copy of MC21, as per instructions. It says there is a copy of MC21 already running on my computer so, I backed out of the download.

I did use my user name and password to log on to this forum. JRiver does know me in some manner but, as said, I can't use that info to restore.

Any help pointing me in the right direction is greatly appreciated.



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Tom Russell

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Re: Help with restoring MC21
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2019, 09:19:52 am »


I appreciate your reply.

I tried to delineate my attempts to follow the instructions on the restore page you reference. I'll try to be more specific.

The Restoring a License page you reference gives general info about restoring but sends one to the Restore Page Purchase and License page for more details.

On the Purchase and License page, the instruction is to download a copy of MC first. I initiated a download of MC21. This is where I received the "there is a copy of MC21 already running on this computer" message. I agree that a MC software is installed on C drive and there is a working MC21 shortcut on the desktop.  Next is purchasing information for those who haven't already purchased MC. Then, there is a link to the License Restore Page. There is something different about this time in outward signs as well as there being a known reason for the reinstall last month (the program reinstall) and no reason for needing a restore, at this time, that I am aware of.

The Restore Page link sends me to the License Restore Page, the same page that comes up when I attempt to open MC. The JRiver Media Center page that I see when I launch MC has buttons for Purchase and Restore License. The Restore License button links me to the Restore License page. This page asks for your registration code. I kept a record of a five digit, six group code that I associate with MC21. I am certain, if I entered a code last month, this is the code I used. Upon entering that code, I get a response from MC saying "we could not find that license". This page offers an Other Methods and More Information link. This links me to the License Restore Page.

The License Restore Page shows three methods to do a restore plus a Forgot Your Password link. I remember this page from last month but, honestly, I don't recall exactly how I effected the restore last month.

The first option is another opportunity to enter the Registration Code. I get the same "we can't find that code message here.
The second option is to enter your email address and receive a confirmation email. I enter my email address, the window clears, and nothing else happens. I don't receive any email. I changed my email address about a year and a half ago. I could have tried entering my previous address, the address I used when I purchased MC, but that wouldn't work in any case. That is no longer a working address so no mail can be received at that address.

The third option is to change your registered email address. Just to try all options, I entered my old address, my new address, and my password. Obviously a no go, but I wanted to cover all bases.  A FAQ link is offered but that link takes me back to the Purchase and License page. Essentially, all methods ultimately refer back to the License Restore Page. I haven't found a way to crack this page. Speaking from Media Centers' perspective, I do not believe that MC is aware that I have tried to do a restore numerous times in each method. I never get past the initial enter my data page.

The fourth option, changing my email address, doesn't apply here.

I realize this posting is a retelling of my initial post. It seemed I wasn't sufficiently clear as to the steps I have already taken so I tried to tell the story more completely. MC has not accepted any of the information I have entered and this is all the information I have. I do have the User name and password info that I used to access this forum but I don't see any way to use this info to restore MC21. My Mac MC21 software is functioning as always. There must be some way to proceed through the restore process using the info I have available.

Thanks again,

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