Here is how it works (as I understand):
1. Download and install DigiGuide Download DabDig (see link posted by Jim).
3. Unzip DabDig package into DigiGuilde installation folder.
4. Run DabDig.vbe, which will attempt to detect available programs, including Media Center. This will also create a configuration file DabDig.ini.
5. Edit DabDig.ini and make sure all entries starting with USE are off except USEJRIVERMEDIAJUKEBOX which should be on (=1).
6. Make sure DEFAULTEXTENSION is changed from mp2 to AVI (or WMV).
7. Run DigiGuide and select a program to schedule recording, right-click on it and select "Record using DabDig".
DabDig tries to write correct information into registry. It fails if a required registry key does not exist. You can make sure the keys exist by manually schedule a show in Media Scheduler. The actually scheduling (writing into registry key) happens a few minutes before scheduled start time.
I have experienced quite a few failed scheduling. The author of DabDig stated that working with Media Jukebox/Media Center is still at an experimental stage.