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Author Topic: wrong assets in albumname starting with the same words within one artist  (Read 1461 times)


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 128

Hi All,

following problem (for example):

Artistname: Wishbone Ash
Album 1: "Live Dates"
Album 2: "Live Dates Volume 2"

Audio-files and assets like back-cover, inlay, pdf-booklet .... are stored in the same directory. One directory for each album.

JRemote running on an iPad Air2:
Playing Album "Live Dates" shows also the assets from "Live Dates Volume 2"

is this a know problem?



  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 128

any answer would by nice


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It may be the Tags related to file location are common to both, check them and also validate the image locations in Tools -> Options -> File Location


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 128

Coverart and other assets are always saved in the same folder as the audio files. And each album has a different folder with a different name using format „artist - album“.


  • MC Beta Team
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Maybe munged on import? Delete 2 that are mixed from the library and reimport them...see if that makes a difference.


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 128

Done, checked without this albums. Albums are not longer in the library. Deleted and renewed all Tags with mp3tag. Reinported both albums. Same as before. Done with following two albums:
Wishbone Ash - Live Dates and Wishbone Ash - Live Dates (Japanese Edition).
Maybe JRiver ignores the text between the brackets?

next try:
removed folder "Wishbone Ash - Live Dates (Japanese Edition)"
renamed folder to "Wishbone Ash - Live Dates, Japanese Edition", renamed Album Name also in the tags.
reimported this album in JRiver.
assets from "Wishbone Ash - Live Dates, Japanese Edition" will be shown in "Wishbone Ash - Live Dates"  :(

last try:
imported the whole collection in a fresh install of JRiver on another notebook.
same as always.
so, I am sure the problem is not at my side


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Coverart and other assets are always saved in the same folder as the audio files. And each album has a different folder with a different name using format „artist - album“.
Check the metadata.


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 128

metadata are correct with different album names



  • Administrator
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Check all metadata, but especially Album, Artist, and Album Artist.

Use Explorer to check the directories.  You may have files there that you're unaware of.

MC doesn't get confused about things like this.


  • World Citizen
  • ***
  • Posts: 128

not absolutly clear what you mean but I will try it again
in this screenshots all files of a folder are selected.
folder path is to see in left bottom.
I don't use AlbumArtist
for Japanese edition there are subfolder for CD1 and CD2 with same assets in CD1 and CD2 folder so it doesn't matter if I play a song from CD1 or CD2
Playing "Wishbone Ash - Live Dates" I can see "inside1.jpg" and "inside2.jpg" and also assets "back1.jpg" and "back2.jpg" from "Wishbone Ash - Live Dates - Japan SHM-CD 2010/CD1 and /CD2", means I can see it two times.

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