When playing a playlist from Cloudplay, MC .40 64bit crashes. Disable audio buffer to disk is checked, and it crashed if Chromium or Internet Explorer is the default browser.
I welcome the move, but antivirus is definitely not the cause of the crashing. I would like to know the playlist concerned so that I could download it and see if it crashes me too!
Try toggling both buffer settings.I don't see a crash. I have both checked.
Faulting application name: Media Center 25.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5cdeeda7Faulting module name: in_flac.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x5cdeebdaException code: 0xc0000005Fault offset: 0x000000000000cf73Faulting process id: 0x3368Faulting application start time: 0x01d50fe1e8b5ed4eFaulting application path: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 25\Media Center 25.exeFaulting module path: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 25\Plugins\in_flac.dllReport Id: e92e3f4a-4a46-4934-98f8-cb054af8cf0bFaulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID:
Win10?I don't see a crash.Try playing one of the URL's in the mpl file using File > Open URL. Here's one that works for me:http://RadioJRiver:0QIhGt1d3gAkvr5NSNXKVO2lGXDg7ieo+DIEL6a2Y7Rau7c1lAlOJGpNFcvLbhdOe0xmrJgOWe3VPHQSHyu2K6fs5NjIjCQFF0cGSuXsPT9HIBl0IFap0nsR6o99GCFXEfJXcVpOR34z/oKDwa0+mxrJqj6gOlFfaeCMv9FytoqVhC5/mQDQPt/RJyzJk2DszY0G/zyEdSds/KPoYchHcF+2WZGe87qKtriKE+NjCw7MgrLRbVi6q865TfBxZ9zyj9lTLkPdILdWl+tQS33M2xEehb7qUfzOkxVsghPbB8Y=
So playing the URL also crashed MC?
JimH, Yes, Windows 10 64bit. Attached is the log package. I used Jim's URL method to duplicate the issue.
Thanks for the dump. We'll have a hopeful fix for the next build.