In most common VST hosts (e.g., Cubase, Bidule), there is a function to "reinitialize" (a.k.a. "reinit.") VST plugins.
That function, among other uses, allows one to return many VSTs' manufacturer-included program presets to "factory" or "defaults".
Some VSTs have an independent "return preset to original settings" function and/or "this preset has been modified" flag. However, many do not.
Case in point: the popular binaural (etc.) processor, Isone 3 by ToneBoosters.
Without a "reinit" button nearby in the host, changes made within many VSTs, after selecting a preset, "stick" to that preset. ;(
In JRiver, at present, as far as I can tell, the only way to return to "factory" versions of presets for VSTs like those is to uninstall and reinstall the VST, which is clumsy and laborious in comparison to the simple "reinit." button in VST hosts.
Any chance of adding a little "reinit." button in each VST "page" under DSP Studio?
Thank you so much.