Your link to the Play Store train wreck doesn't work. This one probably does: this for American folk: US$10 price is just play money for the fun of testing JRiver for Android, but thanks for the offer of a refund. I'll keep the App myself. You keep the money.
My first and most important request is to have JRiver for Android act as a MC Client, so that it can pull media from my MC Server.
My next request would be to ensure that JRiver for Android appears on MC Servers as a Zone to play to. Sure, that should work now, but it doesn't from my Workstation. I just tested my HTPC and it fails in the same way. This could be an environment issue on my end, but I have no tools to diagnose this. Bingo SSDP running on the phone sees JRiver for Android Generic DLNA and MC Library Servers on the same phone (plus the Workstation and HTPC servers), while the Workstation and HTPC do not see JRiver for Android. I can play from JRiver for Android to my Workstation and HTPC, as JRiver for Android sees the Workstation and HTPC installations of MC. I guess the request here is for more robustness in the discovery or Dynamic Zone display processes in the MC ecosystem.
My next request would be to provide something like Auto Import configuration in JRiver for Android, so it doesn't just search everywhere. Please provide some intelligence in this, because navigating Android folders sucks. This must support Internal memory and additional memory, such as MicroSD cards. (As per AD request.)
Also, allow the removal of media files from the JRiver for Android Library, much as in a Windows installation. i.e. Removal or Removal and Deletion. (AS per AD request.)
My "Use Case" for JRiver for Android still isn't decided. I suspect JRemote2 will remove some of the need. But the above changes would allow me to use JRiver for Android as a test installation for DLNA and network issues, for which I currently use the very reliable BubbleUPnP.