First - I'm posting this because I wonder if some of this is how Cloudplay worked when it was in beta phase only.
I have a handful of items in my library that have filenames of:<blah blah>.flac
And others like this:
\\?\http___RadioJRiver_0QIh<blah blah blah blah blah>
These items relate to things that I uploaded to Cloudplay and things I've played from there. I thought "this is pretty neat, I can make a Library view to sort by Artist and Album, instead of the Cloudplay playlists and have the best of two worlds: online streaming and JRiver flexibility in views." I did that, made a library view that filters for "contain or contains RadioJRiver." Things showed up, all good. So I went and downloaded a new Cloudplay playlist. It didn't add anything to my library though. I guess that's the intent so I can't just initiate playback of a particular file through Cloudplay? If so, what should I do with the other entries in my library that are pointing to the aws instance?
What I was getting to, that I thought would be amazing for JRiver to do, is basically Google Play Music of my library, but without converting everything to MP3. If you're not familiar with Google Play Music, you upload (up to 50k tracks for free), your entire music collection. It then converts it all to 320 bit MP3. Then, wherever you are, you can play that back through your phone, desktop, etc. The only reason I use this (because of the MP3 part), is through WearOS. I can download music to my watch from my library, go on a run, and playback audio with just my watch to some bluetooth earbuds. Their interface isn't half bad. It's not flexible and there are things I do not like about it of course, but it's neat to be able to hit up my music without worrying about if my server crashed, is my home internet fast enough, etc.
Wouldn't it be neat to go to and see all of my music in FLAC? Then play it back via a Panel-like interface

All of that is just neat thinking, what I really want to know is should I be able to see Cloudplay stuff in my library as individual entries?