Your probably not getting many responses cause your driving a Ferrari F40 while many are still in a Pinto (like me
My Dell is only a 700,000,000 Hz PIII....but it's driving a few things (SCSI scanner, SCSI 160 10K HD, HP DXL plotter, sweeter than hell ext Yam F1 RW USB drive, vanilla CD-ROM, W2k, and 2 baby grapefruit trees)
In about 6 months out!
Sony 24" WS monitor, 1 GB+ of RAM, Sony ext DVD drive, ATI AIW video, SCSI (or maybe serial ATA) RAID array, 3GHz P4 (or dual Athlons), and maybe a 3-1/2" floppy drive (though I could go for the 5-1/4" which would hold costs down). This machine will be cherry. But until then....can I borrow yours?
-27PS: Since you don't have a video card, I could lend you one of the ISA Tridents that are laying around here.