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Author Topic: [Bug] scaling problem with context menu on detached window on 2. screen  (Read 1087 times)


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2 screens (in my case 4k, but this should be not relevant)
one screen with scaling (150%)
other screen with no scaling (100%)
Main Media Center window on 150% scaling monitor
detached video playback window on other monitor with no scaling (100%)
version 26.0.22 64 bit
Windows 10 1909 Enterprise

steps to reproduce the bug:
Just right click on the detached window will bring up the context menu not next to the cursor but shifted about the scaling (150%) of the monitor with the main window.
See screenshot. If the main window is on the same screen, then it works without problems.
If both screens have a scaling off 100%, the bug does not appear either.


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Is this the correct way to report a bug?


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Please update MC.  26.0.30 is current.


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Updated to version 26.0.30.
The problem still occurs.

There seem to be other "problems" around this issue as well.
1. If I move the main window, while I watch a video in the detached view, the main window resets its position to where it was, when I started JRiver MC, as soon as the next video starts playing.
2. hardware acceleration of the detached video window is not related to the screen, where the detached window is displayed, but rather where the main window is located. This means, if the main screen does have good hardware acceleration and the second screen does not, then if the main window is on the second screen and the detached video on the main screen, the video performance is poorly.


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I was able to reproduce some problems when I set different scales on my monitors.

Next build we'll have this:
Fixed: When the scale was different between monitors, the right-click placement of the detached display could be incorrect.

Thanks for the report.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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thank you.


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I installed and tested version 26.0.35.
The problem is solved for the right-click menu.

Further testing showed, that
- if the window is maximized (on the screen where the problem occurred), that issue is there also available.
- if the "Hide Borders" option is used (on the screen where the problem occurred), then the playing video window is moved to the location where the context menu would have been before the bug.

Thank you for fixing the issue so fast :)


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2 bugs still exist, see post above.


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Version 26.0.43 is still showing the above mentioned 2 bugs


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This bug still exists for a maximized window and a "hide borders" window.


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