[This is not a direct reply to your post. I entered this in the wrong thread, so reposting here. I'll answer yours right after.]
I did a test wipe and re-import my two directories of files into my two libraries. I haven't seen any obvious errors but still get the odd (to me) messages on the import reports (see below). Also, note that I am getting a recurrence of the error I reported in the earlier bug report
https://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php/topic,125284.msg868032.html#msg868032We can't -- yet -- claim that MC is at fault. But, relevant to this thread's request, I would like to know how to get MC back to the equivalent of a fresh install. I have evidence that not the media file's tags being corrupted (they are read-only now

) but MC is messing up its database. I would like to see if I can reproduce this problem from a pristine install...something I did not try earlier. Reading through this earlier bug report, I don't see that I resolved it one way or another. After the extensive preening of these files, I have eliminated a lot of errors. Pretty sure there are no tag errors in the two files at issue today.
Here is the blab of Wipe and re-import test #1:
June 16 -- Trials with wiping the Library in MC
Test #1:
First I made backup copies of the directories:
C:\JRiver Library INBOX
C:\JRiver Library KEEP [these are the library files I was asked to create]
I also backed up the application created ones:
...Documents\JRiver [my archive/backup directory is still called “Media Center 23”!]
Then I completely removed all the above files, as Administrator. Then I booted into my user account and started MC. As expected, it has my default settings (I know these are stored in the Registry).
Now importing files for INBOX (which is the default loaded library):
Here’s an trimmed report of the import:
“Library now has 45583 files. Search and update took 1:03:04.
Imported 45731 new files.
Updated 43 files that had external changes.
Failed to import 43 files.
Failed to import:
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\AMBIENT\Elina Duni\2007 - Elina Duni - Baresha (Meta)\Baresha.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\AMBIENT\Elina Duni\2010 - Elina Duni Quartet - Lume, Lume (Meta)\Lume, Lume.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\AMBIENT\Elina Duni\2012 - Elina Duni Quartet - Matane Malit (ECM)\Matane Malit.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\AMBIENT\Elina Duni\2015 - Elina Duni Quartet - Dallendyshe (ECM)\Dallendyshe.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\Bat For Lashes\Albums\(2007) Fur and Gold (Bonus Track)\Fur and Gold.CUE
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\Bill Laswell\1999 - Charged [320] Toshinori Kondo, Eraldo Bernocchi\Charged.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\JAZZ\Steve Tibbetts\1982 - Northern Song\Steve Tibbets - Northern Song.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\JAZZ\Steve Tibbetts\1988 - Yr\Tibbetts, Steve - Yr.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\JAZZ\Steve Tibbetts\1989 - Big Map Idea\Tibbetts, Steve 1989 - Big Map Idea - Big Map Idea.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\JAZZ\Steve Tibbetts\2002 - A Man About A Horse\Steve Tibbetts - A Man About A Horse.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\JAZZ\Steve Tibbetts\1994 - The Fall Of Us All\Steve Tibbetts - The Fall Of Us All.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\Jazz Poetry\The Last Poets - Oh My People + Delights Of The Garden (1992)\Oh My People Delights of the Garden.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\Jazz Poetry\The Last Poets - This Is Madness (1971)\This Is Madness.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\Jeff Pearce\Bleed\Bleed.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\Jeff Pearce\Summer Solstice\Summer Solstice.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\Jeff Pearce\Rainshadow Sky\Rainshadow Sky.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\Jeff Pearce\Daylight Slowly\Daylight Slowly.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\Jeff Pearce\The Light Beyond\The Light Beyond.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\Jeff Pearce\Tenderness and Fatality\Tenderness and Fatality.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\Jeff Pearce\The Hidden Rift\The Hidden Rift.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\Jeff Pearce\To the Shores of Heaven\To the Shores of Heaven.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\Jeff Pearce\Vestiges\Vestiges.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\Jeff Pearce\True Stories (with Vidna Obmana)\True Stories.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\MOJA\Bill Frisell-11-albums\Bill Frisell - Music for the Films of Buster Keaton - Go West\Music For The Films Of Buster Keaton - Go West.CUE
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\MOJA\Gary Burton\Astor PiazzollaReunion - A Tango Excursion\Astor PiazzollaReunion - A Tango Excursion.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\The Brecker Brothers\The Brecker Brothers - Blue Montreux, Live (1979) [FLAC]\Blue Montreux.CUE
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\The Brecker Brothers\The Brecker Brothers - Detente (1980) [FLAC]\Detente.CUE
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\The Brecker Brothers\The Brecker Brothers - Don't Stop The Music (1976) [FLAC]\Don't Stop The Music - FLAC.CUE
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\The Brecker Brothers\The Brecker Brothers - Don't Stop The Music (1976) [FLAC]\Don't Stop The Music.CUE
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\The Brecker Brothers\The Brecker Brothers - Heavy Metal Be-Bop (1978) [FLAC]\Heavy Metal Be-Bop.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\The Brecker Brothers\The Brecker Brothers - Out Of The Loop (1994) [FLAC]\out of the loop_CDImage.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\The Brecker Brothers\The Brecker Brothers - Out Of The Loop (1994) [FLAC]\out of the loop_Corrected_FLAC.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\The Brecker Brothers\The Brecker Brothers - Out Of The Loop (1994) [FLAC]\out of the loop_Noncompilant_FLAC.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\The Brecker Brothers\The Brecker Brothers - Out Of The Loop (1994) [FLAC]\out of the loop_Corrected_WAV.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\The Brecker Brothers\The Brecker Brothers - Out Of The Loop (1994) [FLAC]\out of the loop_Noncompilant_WAV.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\The Brecker Brothers\The Brecker Brothers - Return Of The Brecker Brothers (1992) [FLAC]\Return Of The Brecker Brothers.cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\The Brecker Brothers\The Brecker Brothers - Straphangin' (1981) [FLAC]\Straphangin' - FLAC.CUE
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\The Brecker Brothers\The Brecker Brothers - Straphangin' (1981) [FLAC]\Straphangin' - WAV.CUE
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\The Brecker Brothers\The Brecker Brothers - The Brecker Brothers (1975) [FLAC]\The Brecker Brothers - FLAC.CUE
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\The Brecker Brothers\The Brecker Brothers - The Brecker Brothers (1975) [FLAC]\The Brecker Brothers - WAV.CUE
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\TRANCE\Pure Trance 1\32. VA - Solarstone pres. Pure Trance (Continuous DJ Mix 1 By Solarstone).cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\TRANCE\Pure Trance 1\33. VA - Solarstone pres. Pure Trance (Continuous DJ Mix 2 By Orkidea).cue
E:\MUSIC\INBOX\TRANCE\Pure Trance 2\34. VA - Solarstone pres. Pure Trance 2 (Continuous DJ Mix 1 By Solarstone).cue”
[end of import report]
Curious: I specifically unchecked all the configure auto import -> “Media Import” window “tasks” including “update for external changes”. As I asked before, what could possibly have changed?
Everything seems normal. I imported one playlist and listened to part of it.
Next I switched to (empty) library KEEP and, again unchecked all the import options. Then I imported. Again, weirdness:
“Library now has 5140 files. Search and update took 7:18.
Imported 2459 new files.
Again, why/how does it know what is “new”? It should have no memory of previous databases.
(?) One thing I didn’t try (was it suggested?) is to use completely new names for my Libraries. But why should I? But for testing purposes, if that is a recommended, let that be trial #2.
Error Found. I’m seeing the same problem where the Library (database) is being corrupted somehow. The problem shows up as duplicates on the imported playlist that aren’t actually duplicates. I this case, the PL = Genre New Wave, problem songs as follow:
# Title Artist
13 Underneath the Radar Underworld
14 [repeats the information, wrong] should be: Peek-a-book Souixsie & the Banshees
This appears to be the only goof in 129 entries.
Using non-MC (Mp3Tag if it matters) I inspected the playlist and the tags for the two affected files. The files are ok. Beyond all doubt, something is goofy in MC. Using the Tags editor in MC, the corrupt entry (of #14 in the playlist) does show the correct album artist (Souixsie & the Banshees). Should I re-open this as a bug report? Surely it’d be worth testing this. All the more reason to know how to set up a pristine installation for testing purposes. As you (?) said in the earlier thread, a change in an imported playlist can alter an entry in the library's database, but nothing should have changed in this latest experiment.
06:50 pm addenda: I ran a test on my "test bed" system, I can reproduce the "duplciated" and/or Library error. Would you like me to send logs? Re-open the old thread?