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Author Topic: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple  (Read 34777 times)


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #50 on: July 31, 2020, 05:41:18 pm »

When specifying custom keyboard shortcuts, using Resource.xml
and these commands

Could you please add a new command similar to
10048 MCC_SEEK int nPositionMilliseconds
but uses % of the total runtime instead of absolute time?


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #51 on: July 31, 2020, 06:37:31 pm »

When specifying custom keyboard shortcuts, using Resource.xml
and these commands

Could you please add a new command similar to
10048 MCC_SEEK int nPositionMilliseconds
but uses % of the total runtime instead of absolute time?

In what situation would that be useful?
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #52 on: August 01, 2020, 10:03:22 pm »

If MC is not running, and you launch an associated media file from Windows, make it MC's priority to play that file.
That means no running updates, no connecting to a remote library. Just play the file(s) selected.

Sometimes, MC updates, then tries to connect to a remote server and then when all that is done, it "forgets" to play the file(s) you originally just wanted to play from Windows


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #53 on: August 01, 2020, 10:06:49 pm »

Have some of the tooltip and Theater View customisations in the huge MC26 thread be available as default settings we can choose, without needing to roll our own expressions.


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #54 on: August 02, 2020, 12:20:57 am »

  • Not sure if this is a one hour task, but any place where MC allows me to load/save presets, it lets me choose to Load or Delete a preset from a list of my saved presets, but when I go to update one and save it, I have to type its entire name out each time. Occasionally I get it slightly different from before, leaving me with two versions. It would be super helpful if MC would provide a Save menu that provided a list of the existing presets, with a "Save as new" option at the top of the list so that we can more easily update existing presets.
  • A quick way to change DSP Studio presets without having to go into DSP Studio. Also a way to enable/disable it. Maybe this is already in there somewhere but I haven't been able to find it.



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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #55 on: August 02, 2020, 06:38:19 pm »

Could MC change the Undo/Redo menu text and toolbar button tooltips to state what's going to be undone/redone? Undo/redo is a relatively minor operation in a text editor but since MC can be manipulating thousands of files at once, I always feel a little apprehensive about using Undo/Redo. This is complicated by the fact that MC doesn't and sometimes can't put every action a user carries out into the Undo/Redo stack, so it becomes especially difficult to predict exactly what action MC is going to undo.

For example: Let's say I inadvertently unstacked a thousand image files because I thought I only had one stack selected. Seeing the Undo button in an enabled state I click on it, thinking MC would fix that for me, but stacking isn't an action that gets put onto the Undo stack. So what did I just undo? I have no idea. Could have been a tag I updated on a single music file, could have been a playlist I renamed, or it could be a file move operation on 100GB of videos.

rec head

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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #56 on: August 03, 2020, 07:38:26 am »

How about the ability to reorder tabs just by dragging them?

Probably not a one hour task.

But it would be a great New Feature.


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #57 on: August 03, 2020, 04:41:16 pm »

In what situation would that be useful?
a) Create similar behaviour as I'm used to and I've come to expect on Youtube and many others with the number keys. 1 maps to 10%, 2 to 20% etc.
b) To quickly glanze over a movie or a TV episode to check if you've seen it, or how far you've seen, or just to remember what it was about, by slowly pressing 1... 2... 3...
c) Faster seeking when only using the keyboard. If you've seen most of the movie, press for example 7 and then fine-tune with the arrow keys.


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #58 on: August 04, 2020, 01:27:21 pm »

hmm. i guess adding an optional 'stop after playing track' to the toolbars would fit here. :D
now if it would be possible to have some visual feedback about having used this lovely feature in for instance an other coloured version of the stop button. Maybe less easy.



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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #59 on: August 04, 2020, 02:26:10 pm »

choose DSP studio presets from theater view and also in normal view for instance with keyboard shortcut or dropdown list

F Ribeiro

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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #60 on: August 04, 2020, 05:40:36 pm »

Many Media Center users have DSD albums. Many choose Media Center for its audiophile qualitys.
These users expect to use Media Center for DSD transmission, either via DoP or natively.
Very often, they get confused by the option that allows the transmission of DSD signals: bitstreaming.
This is because the option recommends selecting none!
Why none?
The most direct competitors of JRiver Media Center offer the possibility of transmitting DSD signals to external DACs via USB without advising the only alternative they offer for this purpose as "Not recommended".
It's weird (forgive me).
At least explain why.

Media Center sends a bitperfect signal, through an asynchronous connection (in my case), to a DAC that controls the signal flow.
All of this occurs without loss of signal and with very low jitter (asynchronous).
So... why not recommended?

I believe that this option needs a revision in order to make it more intuitive, which I think is simple.

(Sorry but Its the best English I can do 🤔)
JRiver Media Center 25 PC and MAC | PC: Dell Latitude E5250 - Windows 10 Pro | MAC: Mac Mini late 2014 - Mojave | Amp: Classe CAP-2100 | CD Player: Meridian G08.2 | DAC: Naim DAC V1 | Turntable: Linn Axis, Akito tonearm, Adikt MM | Loudspeakers: ProAc Response D28 | Cables: Transparent, Nordost | Server: Synology DS216 Play Raid 1 |


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #61 on: August 04, 2020, 07:35:32 pm »

Allow locking a zone to specific hardware.

I have a USB device that seems to go temporarily "missing" occasionally. JRiver fails over to another device, but that device is often not actually hooked up to speakers or doesn't support certain file formats. Debugging would be much more straightforward if I only had to do it when there was something legitimately wrong with the device.


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #62 on: August 05, 2020, 11:13:31 am »

When upgrading from one version to another, can we also have settings migrated?  It is really a pain in the ass every time I do an upgrade to have to set up syncing with my devices and how the software rips from CD, which is why I only upgrade every 3-4 versions.


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #63 on: August 05, 2020, 12:04:53 pm »

When upgrading from one version to another, can we also have settings migrated?  It is really a pain in the ass every time I do an upgrade to have to set up syncing with my devices and how the software rips from CD, which is why I only upgrade every 3-4 versions.
Settings are moved from your old version to your new version when you update.

You can also back up in the older version and restore in the new one.


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #64 on: August 05, 2020, 09:36:00 pm »

Allow locking a zone to specific hardware.

I have a USB device that seems to go temporarily "missing" occasionally. JRiver fails over to another device, but that device is often not actually hooked up to speakers or doesn't support certain file formats. Debugging would be much more straightforward if I only had to do it when there was something legitimately wrong with the device.



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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #65 on: August 06, 2020, 08:57:18 am »



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #66 on: August 06, 2020, 02:35:10 pm »

Settings are moved from your old version to your new version when you update.

You can also back up in the older version and restore in the new one.

Not all settings.  The settings of where files are ripped to, file name format and sync settings for devices all have to be updated every time I upgrade.  There are probably more, but these are the ones that I use.

I don't know where you'd go to back up the settings.  You can back up the library, yes, but I don't see an option for the settings.


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #67 on: August 06, 2020, 03:03:01 pm »

Provide a simple, intuitive, documented method for sorting artists by surname instead of forename (so e.g. Cat Stevens files as Stevens, Cat). This can be done in iTunes, why not in JRiver? Perhaps there already is a way, but after 5 years of using JRiver and reading various posts on the topic, I still haven't figured out how.


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #68 on: August 06, 2020, 04:11:23 pm »

Provide a simple, intuitive, documented method for sorting artists by surname instead of forename (so e.g. Cat Stevens files as Stevens, Cat). This can be done in iTunes, why not in JRiver? Perhaps there already is a way, but after 5 years of using JRiver and reading various posts on the topic, I still haven't figured out how.
It can be done already. You should probably start a new thread with this question and someone would surely try to help with the specifics. (Creating expression column for swapped artist field for example)



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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #69 on: August 06, 2020, 04:28:54 pm »

I don't know where you'd go to back up the settings.  You can back up the library, yes, but I don't see an option for the settings.

Settings are backed up with the Library, Restored by default, but settings restoration is optional. Some settings used to be missed, but there were fixes in that area. Start a new thread after upgrade if something has been missed.
What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #70 on: August 07, 2020, 04:51:01 am »

With more and more content type added to my MC library, the more flexibility I'd like to see on the left side panel for content navigation. Rather than seeing the default 'Media Type' entry points, I'd like to customize to see, e.g., the Media Sub-Types in certain cases, and remove others all together.
  • 'Music' and 'Audio Books' instead of  'Audio'
  • Remove 'Documents' while still keeping the flag 'support data' (I use a 'Books and Comics' view, and a 'All Content type' with media type, sub type etc as panels)
I am aware I can add new views, but I can't remove certain others: and I'd really want to keep the entry points as lean as possible.
The ability to rename the default views would be a work-around.


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #71 on: August 09, 2020, 07:00:39 am »

When importing cue+flac albums, have the option to automatically copy the separately read files into actual separate files (which currently can be done with 'Rename, Move & Copy Files').

The reading into separate files fooled me into thinking that this splitting/copying process had already been gone through (read: I be noob).


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #72 on: August 10, 2020, 11:01:07 pm »

When I run "Analyze Audio", I have been getting this for several years:

Analyze Audio
"Only audio or video files on a local drive that can be played in the native playback engine can be analyzed. (9 file(s) could not be added)"

I could probably figure it out if I put my mind to it, but it would be nice if JRiver reported which files those are. Or, at a minimum, had a static message telling me how to find out.



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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #73 on: August 10, 2020, 11:06:51 pm »

This is one of those little annoyances that builds up:

In Windows File Explorer, under the right click context menu, please put a little JRiver icon next to the "Play in Media Center" and "Media Center" entries.
Good Idea

Most good programs have them. I have been using JRiver since Media Jukebox 7 and I use File Explorer all the time, and I still have to hunt for the right thing to click on. If you use the keyboard for everything, maybe not a big deal, but I use the mouse.

Again, thanks!


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #74 on: August 15, 2020, 08:35:50 am »

Add e.g. checkbox below (or beside) style to use plain image instead of 3D reflected images. I'd prefer cover without angles and reflections. Thanks for considering.


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #75 on: August 15, 2020, 08:58:14 am »

Can there be a way to select what library to load as a default when opening clients?  Clients seem to load their local library, and then the user of client needs to switch to the server library by going through the Load Library dialogue boxes every time a client opens.


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #76 on: August 15, 2020, 10:06:08 am »

I don't know if the solution to this one is simple enough for this thread...but for your consideration:,123846.msg857457.html#msg857457



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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #77 on: August 15, 2020, 01:06:50 pm »

This is one of those little annoyances that builds up:

In Windows File Explorer, under the right click context menu, please put a little JRiver icon next to the "Play in Media Center" and "Media Center" entries.
Good Idea

Most good programs have them. I have been using JRiver since Media Jukebox 7 and I use File Explorer all the time, and I still have to hunt for the right thing to click on. If you use the keyboard for everything, maybe not a big deal, but I use the mouse.

Again, thanks!

Just now saw your response in red days later. I was wondering why I didn't get the email that said "someone posted in one of your threads". But I realize because you added the red comment IN my post, rather than replying with ANOTHER post, I wouldn't get an email. I will pay more attention in the future. Mentioning it here in case it helps someone else...

AND, thanks for considering the icon! Seems like it would be easy.


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #78 on: August 15, 2020, 04:36:16 pm »

Can there be a way to select what library to load as a default when opening clients?  Clients seem to load their local library, and then the user of client needs to switch to the server library by going through the Load Library dialogue boxes every time a client opens.

Turn off "Options > Startup > Library > Always load default library". In future MC will load the last Library it had open, before it was shut down. The MC Server will either need to be awake or can be woken with Wake On LAN.

If the Client has just been allowed to sleep while MC was running, there are other issues. Search the forum or start a thread to discuss.
What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #79 on: August 15, 2020, 04:39:32 pm »

Just now saw your response in red days later.

There is a setting under Forum Profile to have Notifications sent for "Replies and Moderation". Make sure that is on, and it should work... but there were some issues with Notifications recently, and this one may not have been captured.
What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #80 on: August 15, 2020, 05:59:13 pm »

Thanks as always, RoderickGI, for the heads up! I see that I have it set to include moderation so I should have been notified. I have been having issues with notifications so its good to know its not just me.


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #81 on: August 16, 2020, 11:22:56 am »

When connected to a remote library, the "Add New Feed" for Podcasts appears to work (there are no errors shown), but it's not actually persisted on the server (i.e. it disappears from the list when restarting the client). Thanks!


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #82 on: August 16, 2020, 12:01:39 pm »

OK, another pretty big little annoyance:

The "Get Cover Art" Window Resizing Issue:

I use Get Cover Art constantly and have added much to the database. It is awesome and appreciated! Anyway, I right click on a file, choose "Get From Internet" (which itself could perhaps be labeled more specifically like "Get Cover Art From Internet"). The "Get Cover Art" window opens. It always defaults to a little postage stamp size. I have to manually resize it almost every single time.

Please make it remember our window size choice.




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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #83 on: August 17, 2020, 12:43:23 pm »

On the Windows side, I would love it if MC would behave more like a native application does re: window management/resizing. Things like:

  • Win+Arrows don't snap MC
  • Can't snap into the corners
  • When MC is mazimized and I drag it down to un-maximize it, it sometimes moves itself to a random location on the screen. It's not under my mouse cursor, but it's still movable by the mouse until I let go of the click.
  • I often find myself struggling to find that magic spot on the window that I need to click on to move it. A lot of Microsoft apps have started putting stuff into the formally empty title bar, but they're still easily movable whenever you click on an empty spot of the title bar. MC has a bigger deadzone near the top that's unclickable and for some reason I hit that first 90% of the time I want to move the MC window.

MC is a super powerful and complex piece of software but I don't often struggle with using it. These few things are like invisible walls that I smack into repeatedly in my daily workflow when every piece of software I'm using throughout the day all behave the same way except for my favorite one.

Good idea We'll do what we can.

Yes, please, please implement these items! It's been annoying me for some years now.
Mark Coutinho
Dutch Top 40 collector of lyrics, sleeves and bios


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #84 on: August 17, 2020, 12:49:20 pm »

Add the possibility to cycle through tabs with Ctrl-Tab, just like it can be done in browsers.

Good Idea
Mark Coutinho
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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #85 on: August 17, 2020, 01:05:37 pm »

Add the possibility to paste/type the complete path from a directory into the Drives & Devices ---> Explorer menu.

In this way one doesn't need to click-click-click-click to folders that are deep in the explorer.
Mark Coutinho
Dutch Top 40 collector of lyrics, sleeves and bios


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #86 on: August 17, 2020, 06:14:39 pm »

When a version upgrade happens (like 26 -> 27), the upgrade should update the library backup location if the default is still in place.

In other words, if the backup location is still "...JRiver\Media Center 26\Library Backups" it should be automatically updated to "JRiver\Media Center 27\Library Backups"

This currently does not happen.

It is bad for backups of the new version to be intermixed with backups of the old version, since the old version might continue to be used for some time during transition.  You can't tell which backup files belong to which version.


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #87 on: August 17, 2020, 06:22:44 pm »

Right-clicking on an option in the MC options dialog should copy the option text, setting, and its entire path to the clipboard, to facilitate people providing assistance on the forum.

For example, one right-click should copy:

Options->Audio->Volume->Volume Mode: Internal Volume

This would save people a lot of time, and saving people who help a lot of time means they are more likely to help.

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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #88 on: August 17, 2020, 08:01:34 pm »

On the Windows side, I would love it if MC would behave more like a native application does re: window management/resizing. Things like:

  • Win+Arrows don't snap MC
  • Can't snap into the corners
  • When MC is mazimized and I drag it down to un-maximize it, it sometimes moves itself to a random location on the screen. It's not under my mouse cursor, but it's still movable by the mouse until I let go of the click.
  • I often find myself struggling to find that magic spot on the window that I need to click on to move it. A lot of Microsoft apps have started putting stuff into the formally empty title bar, but they're still easily movable whenever you click on an empty spot of the title bar. MC has a bigger deadzone near the top that's unclickable and for some reason I hit that first 90% of the time I want to move the MC window.

MC is a super powerful and complex piece of software but I don't often struggle with using it. These few things are like invisible walls that I smack into repeatedly in my daily workflow when every piece of software I'm using throughout the day all behave the same way except for my favorite one.

Good idea We'll do what we can.
I will second this.  Looks like you'll try to implement this with your comment at the end.  I hope you can.

I've asked before, but how easy is it to implement jump list support? whether from the task bar or start menu? Something like a list of recent playlists or 'Shuffle All' option would be great. I've attached an image showing how Edge and Chrome implement it.

Sybil, you're always ... refurbishing yourself


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #89 on: August 18, 2020, 12:23:52 am »

In [list Style]->[Details] view it would be neat to add filters to columns ... the way Excel does it ... equal, not equal, contains, does not contains - stuff like that[/list]
HTPC: Win11 Pro, MC: latest 31(64b), NV Driver: v425.31, CPU: i9-12900K, 32GB RAM, GeForce: 2080ti
Screen: LG 2016 E6
NAS: FreeNAS 11.1, SuperMicro SSG-5048R-E1CR36L, E5-1620v4, 64GB ECC RAM, 18xUltrastar He12-SAS3 drives, 2x240GB SSD (OS)


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #90 on: August 18, 2020, 08:27:54 am »

Might take more than an hour, but I'd love to see an option to store all Sidecar files (and their .jpg counterparts) in a location other than with the movie.

Default could be "c:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 26\Sidecar\".

A less satisfying solution (but very quick to implement) would be to make them hidden files.


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #91 on: August 19, 2020, 05:38:06 am »

To help to declutter my screen, implement something that's like the 'Solo Mode' in Lightroom: an option for the left panel to have only node open, i.e., automatically close all other nodes.

To add flexibility, there could also be an option to define how many nodes are allowed to be open at the same time (options menu), but that would surely make it more than an hour's worth of job, and not sure if I'd even use it. Alternatively, you would allow a user to alt-click a node to open more than one node at a time (alt-click = example).

Bonus - this is also implemented in the tagging pane, where groups automatically collapse (optional, again).


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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #92 on: August 19, 2020, 08:22:43 am »

This may be related to the bug I noted earlier[1], but when connected to a remote library (and playing locally), bookmarks[2] do not seem to persist after a restart of the UI. Thanks!



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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #93 on: August 19, 2020, 12:24:55 pm »

Allows us to exit the Search Bar and remove its pop-up window with a single key press, without affecting our typed search or current search results. Currently, this can only be done with a mouse-click.

The Tab button would be intuitive, but currently it jumps to the first result which is already possible with [down+enter]. The Esc button currently clears everything. Return/Enter does nothing so it's a good candidate. I've asked about this before and it seems simple to implement:,120225.msg831129.html
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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #94 on: August 20, 2020, 07:39:25 am »

When connected to a remote library, have the ability to trigger auto import on the remote server from the client

Aside from upgrades to the library server, triggering auto import is about the only thing I still need to logon to the server to do



Dennis in FL

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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #95 on: August 20, 2020, 07:55:36 am »

How about Mac format for window controls (red, yellow, green dots) instead of Windows (-,box,X) in Mac OS.
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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #96 on: August 20, 2020, 08:19:24 am »

It should already, depending on the skin. The Modern Cards skins display the spotlight buttons if using macOS, but some of the other older skins likely won't. I think Noire displays them as well.

You'll have to say which skin(s) you're using and I'll try to take a look when I have time to see if they can easily be ported, but no promises. They may not look that good. :P
I don't work for JRiver... I help keep the forums safe from "male enhancements" and other sources of sketchy pharmaceuticals.

Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit + Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole 64-bit (AMD 7900X CPU/AMD 7800 XT GPU/64GB RAM/2TB M.2 NVMe SSD)
macOS Sequoia 15.3.2 (M4 Mac Mini 16GB RAM/256GB SSD)
Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit (Intel N305 Fanless NUC 16GB RAM/500GB M.2 NVMe SSD)
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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #97 on: August 20, 2020, 12:28:20 pm »

Being able to manually edit the date (library field: plays) when you have watched a movie and how many times the movie have been watched.
Hardware: Intel Core i5-8600K 16GB RAM, ASUS GeForce RTX 2080 8GB DUAL OC
Software: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, version 2004, JRiver MC 29, MadVr 0.92.17 (Beta 113), NVIDIA driver 457.09
Projector: JVC DLA-I X5500 (RS420, X570R) -
Screen: DNP Supernova 08-85
Processor: Anthem AVM 70
Power amp: XTZ A2-400 for Front & Center - XTZ A2-300 for Surround & Height channels
Speakers: Arendal 1723 S Monitor for Front & Center, Linn Unik for Front Height, Rear Height, Surround & Surround back. Elipson Planet M for Top Middle.
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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #98 on: August 21, 2020, 06:48:25 am »

It should already, depending on the skin. The Modern Cards skins display the spotlight buttons if using macOS, but some of the other older skins likely won't. I think Noire displays them as well.

You'll have to say which skin(s) you're using and I'll try to take a look when I have time to see if they can easily be ported, but no promises. They may not look that good. :P

I was using Green Ees....and I just randomly picked a few...I found a couple with upper left Mac control color dots - but most had windows upper right hand controls.  One had Windows in the upper left.
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Re: Too Easy VI -- Things we should have done because they were so simple
« Reply #99 on: August 21, 2020, 07:08:35 am »

Yes, only a handful of skins support and have the button images from multiple OSes; Windows, macOS and Linux. Most of the bundled skins with MC, including Green Eyes, were created before MC worked cross platform for OSes other than Windows, so it only has button images for close/minimize/maximize/restore for Windows.

I'll see if the macOS button images can be easily backported to the skin, though I suspect it won't work for a couple of the skins. The skins I do know support macOS' spotlight buttons are the Modern Cards skins and Noire.
I don't work for JRiver... I help keep the forums safe from "male enhancements" and other sources of sketchy pharmaceuticals.

Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit + Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole 64-bit (AMD 7900X CPU/AMD 7800 XT GPU/64GB RAM/2TB M.2 NVMe SSD)
macOS Sequoia 15.3.2 (M4 Mac Mini 16GB RAM/256GB SSD)
Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit (Intel N305 Fanless NUC 16GB RAM/500GB M.2 NVMe SSD)
JRiver Media Center 33 (Windows + Mac + Linux) | iFi ZEN DAC 3 | JBL 306P MkII Studio Monitors | Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Headphones
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