You can play the file by setting MC to convert it to PCM when it plays. The error message tells you how.
Jim - can you please help take a look into this issue?
Added more info on how to reproduce this issue.
After MC26 is launched, change audio output device (earphone, headphone, etc.) will cause MC26 unstable.
There will be no music output as stated in my first post. Close MC26 and relaunch it will cause the MC26 application unresponsive. Check System Preference > Sound, and it is unresponsive too. You will have to reboot your Mac to resolve the problem.
Aug 3, 2020 - here's what I have tried today. I try to connect my iFi xDSD (Bluetooth DAC) to my MBP today, and MC26 was unable to output music to my xDSD.
I thought there might be a problem of my xDSD and launch Chrome browser, open YouTube, and it can output music via my xDSD to the earphone that I connected with it.
Re-launch MC26, and I saw it tried to detect my output audio device (on the Mac top toolbar, I saw the Sound icon is flashing). Then I tried to check System Preference > Sound and found it becomes unresponsive. Reboot my MBP with earphone directly connected to MBP, and everything went back to normal. Very weird, and never happen before.