Yes. And fixing them after the fact is as simple as:
One Time: Make a new Rename, Move, and Copy Preset. If you describe how you'd like your folders to be organized, we can explain how to do this. By "how you want them organized" I basically just mean:
* Start at c:\media\music (or m:\music\ or where-ever you want them to go)
* Music Folders Rule: [Artist]\[Album]\[Disc #]
* Music File Name: [Track #] - [Name]
* Do you want to include the above fields in the file name even if they don't exist (for example, if [Disc #] is blank) or omit them?
If you answer those questions, one of us can show you how to set up the Rename, Move, and Copy Files tool with a preset, and then using it (if you change any of those details about your files) will be:
1. Select the files in question.
2. Right-click > Library Tools > Rename, Move, and Copy Files
3. Click Presets > Choose the preset you saved.
4. Click OK.
5. Confirm you want to move them if you don't turn that reminder off.