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Author Topic: Moving library and album art to Linux  (Read 2717 times)

Dennis in FL

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Moving library and album art to Linux
« on: April 05, 2021, 02:59:27 am »

I want to skinny down my library and music (on external drive) on my mac and move it to a new, smaller external drive on my Raspi.    I intend to transfer only about 1/4 of the music.  My intent is to have the Raspi as a standalone MC server

My first attempt - After a global "update library from tags" I transferred the music file along with the xml file to an external drive and then imported it to a new library on the Raspi.   MC didn't transfer the album art and many of the cover art files are missing on Linux and weren't found by MC doing an internet search for the art (I had added the missing art manually in the past on the Mac library and am not looking forward to doing that again).     Worse, my customizations were gone.   The most important was the grouping of compositions in classical music.   

I have been searching for how to do this and can't find it in the help files.   Especially the album art transfer.    I remember reading in the forum somewhere that this is tricky.

Update:  I found this - -

and it is close....except I need to transfer album art and transfer a smaller library.   

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Re: Moving library and album art to Linux
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2021, 11:53:43 am »

Regarding Album Art, there is an option to save it in as Folder.jpg in each album folder {Tools/Options/File Location/Covert Art > In the same folder as the file (as Folder.jpg)}. I do this even though it uses more disk space but I don't have to worry about it when I move libraries around. The thumbnails still have to be regenerated in any case. My cover art is also saved as a tag in each file which, again, generates some space overhead but I'm willing to take that for convenience.
I serve MC27 from the RPi4 but the media are stored on a NAS (Synology DS1819+). I also run MC27 on an iMac and on the Synology in docker (as backups). To edit the library, I do it on the iMac because on the Pi, editing is painfully slow. ThenI back up the library, move the backup to the Pi and restore there. Works perfectly and all I have to do is reset the path to media and restore thumbnails and it's all good.
rPi5/8GB, Debian 12 Bookworm on SSD | JRMark (33.0.71): 2746
MacBookPro (2013), 2.6 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7, MacOS 11.7.17 | JRMark (33.0.71): 3034
Mac Studio M2 Max, 64GB, 1TB SSD, macOS Sequoia 15.1.1 | JRMark (33.0.71): 8956
Docker Container (shiomax) DS1819+ | JRMark (33.0.71): 1449
JRemote 3.43
MO 4Media 1.5.7 | Marantz SR7007 (RSL 5.1) HDMI to MacBookPro

Dennis in FL

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Re: Moving library and album art to Linux
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2021, 06:26:37 pm »

Would you mind walking me through storing and restoring thumbnails of album art in tags.   Not sure I get it.
WiiM Ultra --> Gustard X16 --> Fosi ZA3 --> KEF LS50 Metas


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Dennis in FL

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Re: Moving library and album art to Linux
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2021, 05:55:50 am »

Thanks Jim and HaWi

I wasn't getting the folder.jpg file and I hadn't been using the menu option " Tools>Cover Art>Save cover art .... "

I think I'm

I'm going to start over with the Mac--> Raspi library transfer and this time, with additional patience.  There's a lot to keep track of.

WiiM Ultra --> Gustard X16 --> Fosi ZA3 --> KEF LS50 Metas


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Re: Moving library and album art to Linux
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2021, 09:50:11 am »

With great power comes great complexity...
rPi5/8GB, Debian 12 Bookworm on SSD | JRMark (33.0.71): 2746
MacBookPro (2013), 2.6 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7, MacOS 11.7.17 | JRMark (33.0.71): 3034
Mac Studio M2 Max, 64GB, 1TB SSD, macOS Sequoia 15.1.1 | JRMark (33.0.71): 8956
Docker Container (shiomax) DS1819+ | JRMark (33.0.71): 1449
JRemote 3.43
MO 4Media 1.5.7 | Marantz SR7007 (RSL 5.1) HDMI to MacBookPro

Dennis in FL

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WiiM Ultra --> Gustard X16 --> Fosi ZA3 --> KEF LS50 Metas
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